Disruptive Technology with Brian Solis and Using Technology To Influence People with Brian Schulman

TTL 323 | Disruptive Technology

Disruptive Technology with Brian Solis and Using Technology To Influence People with Brian Schulman

Technology has evolved massively, changing business and society in such great heights. While it is factual that it made the world easier to live in, it also made a lot of people become sluggish. One who can shed light on the impacts of technology in this digital age is Brian Solis, digital analyst, business strategist, futurist, and a principal analyst at Altimeter. In his best-selling book, Lifescale, he delves into the whole concept of disruptive technology – how it turned us into digital addicts and how we can get off of such alarming obsession.


If technology can cost our own sanity and self-confidence, positive impacts show when the coin is flipped. Social media is one of the best ways we can overcome our adversities and influence people through our own voice. This worked for Brian Schulman, the founder and CEO of Voice Your Vibe. Being diagnosed with Tourette syndrome ignited his passion to inspire and influence other people. Brian shares how he is living life with purpose through LinkedIn Video.
TTL 292 | Cultural Diversity

The Most Viewed LinkedIn Profile In The World with Candice Galek and Cultural Diversity Training with Dr. H. Sam Coy and Dr. Chris Lassiter

Candice Galek is a self-taught young female entrepreneur. After going viral as having the most viewed LinkedIn profile in the world, she began interviewing influential business leaders in sharing her experiences via her Inc. column, Quest for Knowledge. Some of her guests include Seth Godin, Gary V, Simon Sinek, Tim Ferriss. Candice shares how she built Bikini Luxe from scratch, growing her bootstrap business while learning life lessons the hard way by trial and error.


Our ability to understand cultural diversity and different issues allows for us to step out of that narrow-minded view and to have a more of a global perspective as to how the world really works and what it’s like. This is something that Dr. H. Sam Coy, president of Coy Consulting Group, and Dr. Chris Lassiter, CEO for Coy Consulting Group, always take part in. Dr. Coy and Dr. Lassiter share their back stories and talk about the work they do on cultural diversity and sensitivity.

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TTL 235 | Chief Leader

Becoming A Chief Leader with Rick Miller and Building Relationships Through LinkedIn with Josh Turner

Sometimes, all people really need is a little push in their confidence. And putting a title on them can help people become and feel more powerful. That is what Rick Miller, servant leader and go-to Chief, believes when he discusses the power that comes from the title “chief”. The lure of that title ultimately points to how one should aspire to become a real chief leader; and Rick lays down five things that make its surface-level attraction into a powerful tool that inspires people to be better leaders.
Wall Street Journal bestselling author Josh Turner has been successfully building relationships with LinkedIn. He talks about finding the right kind of people and getting them become each other’s resource.  Delving deeper into the process, Josh relays the different approaches they do to different kinds of people. He also imparts his knowledge about the use of other social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter.

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Professors’ Media Choices in Online Classes


There is limited research regarding the use of social media or other types of media in online courses. In 2013, I surveyed 110 adjunct professors from a Linkedin group to determine if they added media (including social media) to already developed curriculum. Due to the prevalence of online classes, it might help curriculum designers to determine media preferences. This type of study may also demonstrate the flexibility of online courses, the perception of content requirements in online courses, and professors’ best practices.

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Linkedin Endorsements Poorly Utilized


Linkedin has provided an opportunity for networkers to endorse the skills of people with whom they are connected.  This was meant to be a time saver for people who normally wrote full recommendations. The idea had promise.  However, it is not being utilized well.  When users sign onto their Linkedin profile, they are given a list of people in their network and asked if they want to endorse them for a particular skill. There is the option of being able to endorse all of the people that pop up as choices.  The problem is, many people are doing that.  People may receive many endorsements from people who have not witnessed some of the skills they have endorsed.  At that point, the Linkedin endorsements become meaningless.

It is far too easy to choose the option of endorsing people as it is currently configured.  If the point was to make recommendations easier, it is understandable that there should be some way to do that.  However, if everyone is endorsing everyone for everything, there is no value to the endorsement.

To find out more about Linkedin’s Endorsements check out the following articles

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