The Wall Street Journal’s article Is Your Personality Making You Put on Pounds listed some personality traits that may affect weight gain. Some of the links between personality and weight gain include weight gain in people who are: Less Agreeable Night Owls...
Dr. Diane Hamilton's Blog
A Revolution in Hiring and Working with Eva Andres of Juniper Networks
Could Augmented Reality Technology Inspire the Next Steve Jobs?
One of the biggest obstacles the new entrepreneur faces is coming up with a unique idea. The Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerbergs of the world have raised the creativity bar. By creating augmented reality phone apps, certain companies are getting attention. ...
Top 10 Entrepreneurs Who Hit it Big Before Turning 35
There was a time when it was unusual to hear about an entrepreneur becoming successful at a very young age. With the technology boom, the story is becoming more commonplace. The following list contains the top 10 entrepreneurs whose dreams came to fruition...
Famous Computer Geniuses with Asperger’s
In a recent talk by Misha Glenny, titled Hire the Hackers,Glenny noted at the end of his talk that many famous computer hackers have characteristics that are consistent with Asperger’s Syndrome. He mentioned he discussed this with Professor of...
Reality of Being Seen Live on Facebook, Google+ and Facetime
via Today Facebook announced its new integration with Skype that will allow video calling and group chatting. Zuckerberg is touting “ease of use” as one of the key benefits of this system. Facebook can now compete with Google+ and their video chat service...
Famous Entrepreneurs Who Hit it Big With Humble Beginnings
via The movie The Social Network showcased Mark Zuckerberg’s ability to create an enormous business from seemingly nothing. Not all entrepreneurs have been accepted to Harvard like Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates to hit it big. However, having the...
Do Introverts Make Good Speakers?
This is a very interesting topic that was recently brought up in one of my foresight in technology courses I teach. Many of my technology students are introverts. The Myers Briggs MBTI classifies people as introverts and extroverts. The introvert tends to think...
Does the New Facebook Movie Imply Zuckerberg has Asperger’s?
image via There has been some buzz on the Internet about Zuckerberg’s psychological state for years now. The release of the movie, The Social Network, only has added to the discussion. There is one scene in which they show Zuckerberg sitting in a meeting...
Amazon and Facebook Create Fund to Help Start-Up Companies
Image via LANewsMonitor, Facebook and others on Thursday announced that they will be investing in a new, $250 million venture-capital fund which will target at start-ups and will be designed to better connect people online. KPCB...
How Much Is Your Favorite Celebrity’s Net Worth? Fun Site Gives You An Idea
image via Have you ever wondered how much an actor, musician, politican, businessman, athlete, rapper or someone else famous was worth? Perhaps you wondered if Bruce Willis was worth more or less than Demi Moore. There is a site called...
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