Dr. Diane Hamilton's Blog

A Revolution in Hiring and Working with Eva Andres of Juniper Networks

Millennial Job-Seekers Have Unique Expectations

  Millennials in the workforce are the focus of many articles lately.  I deal a lot with post-boomer generations due to the fact that I teach for several different online universities.  Millennials have been singled-out as having different personality issues. In all...

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Levi’s for Millennial Women: Marketing Tactics

I often write about the post-boomer generation and personality assessments.  I found an interesting press release about a study by Levi's, about the challenges faced by the millennial woman.  In our book, It's Not You It's Your Personality, Toni Rothpletz and I write...

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How does advertising with Yahoo differ from Google?

image via online.wsj.com I saw the above chart today from eMarketer and it surprised me a bit.  I hear so much about Google adwords that I expected their income from ads to be higher. How does advertising with Yahoo differ from Google?  I found an interesting...

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6 Steps to Using Linkedin to Get That Job

I often write and speak to groups about how to use social networking to find a job and market one’s skills.  In my book:  How to Reinvent Your Career, I often write and speak about using social networking to find employment. In the marketing courses I teach, we...

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In our book It’s Not You It’s Your Per…

In our book It's Not You It's Your Personality, Toni Rothpletz and I write about the needs and preferences unique that the millennial generation.  I recently found a millennial marketing site.  It includes an interesting compilation of articles based on that group's...

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The Best and Worst Websites

I often teach marketing courses where we discuss the use of websites to promote products.  In one class, I have students compare two different online malls to see their reaction to them.  Without exception, all students prefer one of the sites over the other.  Here...

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Most Popular Products in the US

Yahoo Finance posted an interesting article by Bloomberg Businessweek recently about popularity of items we purchase.  In my marketing courses I teach, we often discuss what makes a product more or less successful.  Do you ever look at products out there and think . ....

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Recent Posts

Getting RealReal with Zaina Orbai

What an incredible conversation I had with Zaina Orbai who is the Chief People Officer at The RealReal on Leader’s Playbook, which is part of Global Mentor Network. Thuy Vu and I take turns hosting and we learn so much from the best of the best in HR leadership. I...
