Transformational Storytelling With Mikki Williams And Delivering The Right Stories Through Media With Justin Breen

TTL 711 | Transformational Storytelling

Transformational Storytelling With Mikki Williams And Delivering The Right Stories Through Media With Justin Breen

How does one become a professional speaker? Dr. Diane Hamilton chats with Mikki Williams on the show to talk about her road to becoming a Hall of Fame keynote speaker. Mikki is also an author, executive speech coach, a TEDx speaker, radio and TV personality, and transformational storyteller. She shares how she helps her clients structure their speeches and gives some advice on content delivery.

What kind of stories do people want to hear these days? Dr. Diane Hamilton talks with the Founder and CEO of BrEpic Communications, Justin Breen, to answer this question. Justin is a visionary entrepreneur, strategic coach, and the bestselling author of Epic Business. He explains how he and his team work together in setting individuals and companies up to be noticed by a bigger audience. He also talks about how to create a good story and the kind of stories people would respond to.

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TTL 628 | Storytelling That Resonates

Storytelling: Resonating Stories That Makes A Difference With Dr. Jim Smith

It is the communication that makes a story come to life between the storyteller and the story listeners. In this episode, Dr Jim Smith, a keynote speaker and a lightning rod in both professional and personal development spaces, talks about the art of storytelling to catch the ears of his listeners. Dr. Jim teaches us how to be the speaker that resonates in each and every individual that will come across people by going in-depth on how he started to be a keynote speaker, making it clear that each story has a lesson to tell.
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Imitation More Than Just Flattery – It’s Good Business

In the business world, there have been plenty of success stories. Many people who find success, have learned to take what others have created and added their own spin to the formula.

Lady Gaga is a prime example.  She is the current phenomenon in the music business.  However, she has been accused of imitating Madonna.  She probably got ideas from more people than just Madonna.  Perhaps she watched Elton John, Cher, Boy George and others that used “over the top” garb and personas to make millions.  I’ve heard Harrison Ford quote that “you can’t imitate someone else’s success.”  I agree that you won’t be exactly the same as someone else who is famous. However, you can put your own spin on a wheel that has already been successfully created. 

If you are interested in being a motivational speaker . . . look at the work of Zig Ziggler, Dale Carnegie or Tony Robbins.  They all have been great and yet different.  You can learn something from each of them.  You can build your own persona while still researching the things they did to become successful. 

If your goal is less ambitious than becoming a superstar like Lady Gaga or Tony Robbins, find someone in the field you are interested in and look at the things they do well.  If you want to be a top sales person, find someone in your field who is the best.  What do they do that makes them different?  How can you put your own spin on their system to make it unique to you? 

Harrison Ford is right . . . you shouldn’t imitate someone else’s success . . . or even try to duplicate it.  It is important to have “you” be at the core of your success.  However, I believe far too many people try to recreate the basic wheel that has already been invented.