Dr. Diane Hamilton's Blog

A Revolution in Hiring and Working with Eva Andres of Juniper Networks

Facebook Better for Following Blogs than RSS

  Facebook has made it so much easier to follow just about anything.  RSS feeds and Twitter are still an option for many people. However, with Facebook, once someone “likes” a page, it shows up in their feed on their homepage whenever anything from that page is...

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Facebook Now Allows Subscriptions to Your Site

Facebook announced a new feature that will allow for people to expand their exposure on Facebook.  People can subscribe to your feed if you set it up for them to do so.  This is a useful tool for companies who have a profile but not a separate Facebook page to...

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How to Find Hashtags on Twitter

  via mediabistro.com Hashtags are a popular way to start up a conversation about a specific topic within Twitter.  By putting the # sign before a subject, it creates a conversation that others can join.  For example, if I wanted to tweet about plastic surgery, I...

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Marketing Yourself To Get The Job – Career Workshop

CareerConnectors.Net Workshop Nov. 16 - 9:00 - 11:30 am (Gilbert, AZ)   Marketing Yourself as a Product to Get the Job Agenda    8:45 am       Registration  9:00 am       Welcome and Intro, Jessica Pierce, JobSeekersAZ  9:15 am       Marketing Yourself as a Product to...

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How to Check Your Retweets

As more people are entering into different areas of social media, it can be confusing to keep track of whether your message is being delivered.  If you are on Twitter, you can easily see who is retweeting your tweets.  Wow . . . that was a lot of T’s! Once you are on...

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Why Customers Subscribe and Unsubscribe to Facebook Pages

If you are trying to market your product or company on Facebook, you might be interested in why people decide to subscribe or unsubscribe to Facebook pages.  To read the entire article by Frank Reed at MarketingPilgram.com click here. eMarketer reports on a survey...

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