Dr. Diane Hamilton's Blog

A Revolution in Hiring and Working with Eva Andres of Juniper Networks

Today’s Organizations Embracing Virtual Business

  Traditional brick and mortar businesses may become a thing of the past.  Today’s modern workplace has embraced the virtual environment.  In Managing Innovation by Tidd and Bessant (2009), the authors explained, “virtual organizations are increasingly a feature...

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Facebook Recognizes Importance of E-Commerce

  Companies are able to increase global reach through e-commerce (short for electric-commerce).  E-commerce occurs when products and/or services are sold over the Internet. Some examples of e-commerce include:  Online shopping, electronic payments, online...

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Big Business Embracing Entrepreneurial Thinking

  Wal-Mart recently inspired an unusual entrepreneurial competition. Inventors could submit product ideas, with the hope of having their product available on the stores’ shelves.  Wal-Mart is not the first company to recognize the importance of fostering...

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Entrepreneurs: Funding Options from Kickstarter

  Entrepreneurs often find that one of the hardest parts of realizing their dream is to obtain financing.  Some have tried microlending sites like Kiva.org.  Others have discovered a new lending platform called Kickstarter.  The site’s tagline is “a new way to...

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Top Entrepreneurial Topics and Value of SBA

  Are entrepreneurs made or born?  That is just one of the topics addressed in The Wall Street Journal’s report about Entrepreneurs and the Small Business Administration.  The Small Business Administration is one of the first sources my entrepreneurial students...

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New Businesses Not Getting Loan Approval

A survey by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York shows that small businesses in the area are not getting the loans they are applying for this year.  Businessweek.com reported, “Of the 59 percent of businesses responding to the poll that applied for credit in the first...

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