Dr. Diane Hamilton's Blog

A Revolution in Hiring and Working with Eva Andres of Juniper Networks

Controlling Emotions at Work: Part of Core Employment Skills?

  Lesley Wright’s recent article in the Arizona Republic offered some insight into a new book by author and ASU professor Vincent Waldron.  Waldron’s book, titled, “Communicating Emotion at Work”, due later this year, will include information from his 20 years of...

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Do Introverts Make Good Speakers?

This is a very interesting topic that was recently brought up in one of my foresight in technology courses I teach.  Many of my  technology students are introverts. The Myers Briggs MBTI classifies people as introverts and extroverts.  The introvert tends to think...

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Are Humans Getting Dumber as Our Brains are Shrinking?

via google.com Did you know that our brains are actually shrinking? NPR.org reported, “Cro-Magnon man, who lived in Europe 20,000 to 30,000 years ago, had the biggest brains of any human species.  In comparison, today's human brain is about 10 percent smaller.” The...

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Millennial Job-Seekers Have Unique Expectations

  Millennials in the workforce are the focus of many articles lately.  I deal a lot with post-boomer generations due to the fact that I teach for several different online universities.  Millennials have been singled-out as having different personality issues. In all...

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Recent Posts

Changing Cultural Perceptions with Livia Freudl of Varian

Our guest today is Varian's Senior VP and Head of HR, Livia Freudl. In this latest episode, we discuss work at Varian is focused on shaping the future of oncology by building shorter paths between consultation and treatment. Livia shares her expansive global cultural...
