How To Build Your Personal Branding With S. Renee Smith And Getting Out Of Status Quo Thinking With Christina Blacken

TTL 636 | Building Personal Branding

How To Build Your Personal Branding With S. Renee Smith And Getting Out Of Status Quo Thinking With Christina Blacken

In this day and age, almost everyone and everything that tries to make it big is nothing without branding. However, with so many platforms available, it can be a challenge to create one and put it out there. Host, Dr. Diane Hamilton, guests S. Renee Smith, advisor, coach, and strategic partner to senior leaders, to enlighten us about personal branding, strategic planning, and development. She shares with us key points on how to be likable, credible, and marketableā€”noting how branding starts with being authentic in who you are and the value you bring.

The power of narratives is in how it influences people to get into a new kind of thinking. As a storyteller herself, Christina Blacken knows this to be true. Her storytelling platform, The New Quo, has been helping high growth leaders get out of the status quo thinking and into creativity and purpose. Christina discusses how leaders should go about cultural change and embody what they are preaching. She then shares doing various social causes and motivating young people to volunteer.
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