Dr. Diane Hamilton's Blog

A Revolution in Hiring and Working with Eva Andres of Juniper Networks

Companies Rewarding Employees for Entrepreneurial Ideas

  Gone are the old days of having a suggestion box at work.  Today’s modern company has set up some much more sophisticated ways of obtaining knowledge and creative ideas from their employees.  The following list contains some useful tools that employers have...

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Women Becoming More Successful Than Men

  Women are passing men in their abilities to get a degree, handle families and garner success at work.  As men are falling behind, women are making huge strides.  CNN reported that, “For the first time in history, women are better educated, more ambitious and...

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Using QR Codes to Get a Job or Promote Your Business

You probably have seen QR codes and don’t even realize it.  Perhaps they were on a marketing ad or a flyer someone handed you.  You might have seen them on a promotional piece or on a poster at a local store.  It may have looked so under-stated that you probably...

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Top 15 Jobs in America

In researching information for my book, How to Reinvent Your Career, I found it interesting to see the types of jobs that are no longer on the market due to changes in technology.  Just as jobs are disappearing, others are being created as well.  If you are interested...

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