The Colored Brain Model: Understanding How Our Brain Communicates with Arthur Carmazzi

Every company aims to maximize the productivity of their employees, departments, and the overall organization. That can be achieved when individuals have a greater understanding of what is required of them to perform their jobs better and can work well with others. Based on new research, a Colored Brain is a psychometric tool that incorporates the latest research on neuroplasticity and how neurotransmitter substances and “brain communication” work. Renowned motivational leadership keynote speaker and trainer Arthur Carmazzi, the Founder of Directive Communication International, dives into the Colored Brain model and how our brain processes the world around us. He says that by identifying the patterns in the way our brain genetically processes the environment, we’re more able to understand how to get along with each other, thus minimizing conflict and misunderstanding and maximizing individual and group potential.

TTL 588 | Colored Brain Model


We have Arthur Carmazzi. He is the World Top Ten Influential Thought Leader. He’s a leadership and cultural professional, bestselling author, and he’s the Founder of Directive Communication Psychology. We’re going to learn some fascinating, neuro-based, behavioral-based research in a great and entertaining way because he is so much fun. We’re going to find out how all that ties into culture and performance in the workplace.

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The Colored Brain Model: Understanding How Our Brain Communicates with Arthur Carmazzi

I am here with Arthur Carmazzi who is ranked as one of the World’s Top Ten Most Influential Thought Leaders in leadership and organizational culture by Global Gurus. He’s a bestselling author and Founder of the Directive Communication Psychology. He is a brain researcher. I am so interested in all of his gamification information. This is going to be a great show. Welcome, Arthur.

Thank you, Diane. It is exciting to be here.

You have quite an interesting background. I think before we get into what you’re working on now, could you give a little background of how you got to be to this level of achievement? I’d like to get some history.

Diane, as many people. I started my career with massive failure. I used to be a managing director of a consulting company and I was pretty good at the hands-on aspect of it. What ended up happening is you start to get good at something and your head starts to get a little bit big and then you start thinking, “I am so awesome.” As I started, I said, “I’m going to take all my money. I’m going to do my own business.” I did. I took all my money and I borrowed another $500,000. Within a year-and-a-half after that, not only was I broke but I was $500,000 in debt, which I do not recommend. What happened was I got this job in this big multinational corporation as a department head.

When you first get a job, you’re super excited and you’re like, “One year later I’m going to be like this and a few years later I’m going to be like this.” You’ve got this whole plan and excitement and you know you’re going to add all this value. That was me. I was very excited. About a few weeks later, I started noticing that all these people were blaming each other. Everybody was blaming the finance department. The finance department was blaming all these other guys and everything. It was really stressful. No problem, I know I can make a difference. I come up with these really cool ideas. I brought up these cool ideas to all these other department heads. I would go up to these guys and I’d say, “You’ve got your resources and I’ve got my resources, we could pull together.”

They said, “We know you’re new, but you do your thing and we do our thing.” I am thinking, “What is wrong with these people? No problem, I can make it happen. I can make it work.” Four-and-a-half months later, I started blaming people and I didn’t even realize it. The people come up to me and they’d say, “Arthur, can you help me with this?” I’d say, “You do your thing, I do my thing.” I got sucked in. You don’t even realize that you’re getting sucked in. You just start seeing your life feel less interesting. I felt stuck. Monday would come and it’s like, “Is it Monday again?” It was one of these things where I felt that my life had no meaning or less meaning and I couldn’t quit because I needed the money.

A lot of us find that we get that. Culture will make or break the company. That’s what led to your interest in behaviors.

That’s when I looked into the mirror and I thought, “You suck.” It was out of that failure and desperation that since I was already a total underachiever because I didn’t feel engaged or excited about my job. I started using some of the extra busy work time that I was doing and doing research. After a while, a few months later, I ended up by applying this with my department of a few others and we ended up saving the company about $17,000 a week in wastage. I wrote some articles, got in the newspapers and got on the radio, then got on TV. After this, people started calling me and then shortly after, I was able to quit. That’s what started my journey.

[bctt tweet=”The brain’s Ambiguity Relief process is a genetic foundation. It doesn’t change.” via=”no”]

Your work is in 57 countries or more. You’ve got the Colored Brain model, you’ve got all this different stuff. I was very interested in this brain analysis and I watched a lot of your videos. I love colored glasses. I love you jumping into the audience. I think that a lot of what you talk about is so important and I don’t even know where to start. Where do you want to start out? Is it the Colored Brain? I’m interested in perception. Let’s talk about that a little bit of how we perceive one another and what influences it.

My work on perception essentially deals with what’s called the brain’s ambiguity relief process. The brain’s ambiguity relief process is how your brain gets clarity and there’s a genetic foundation for it. What happens and without going into all of the neuroscience behind it. You’ve got certain genes that regulate neurotransmitters that affect how you create your connection. This has nothing to do with neuroplasticity. I’m sure, Diane, you’re familiar with the concept of neuroplasticity that if you put yourself in a situation, your brain will literally change because you’ll get stronger connections in one habit or one behavior. This has nothing to do with your behavior. It is the process of how you interpret information and get clarity.

This isn’t the Phineas Gage stuff? The prefrontal cortex that we hear about?

The clarity happens in three parts of the brain, the prefrontal cortex, the hippocampus, and the cingulate cortex.

How does this all work?

Do you want the neuroscience or do you want the general stuff?

I want both. I want to understand this. I think it’s really fascinating.

One of the ones I generally explain for the prefrontal cortex. This is where you have inhibition of behaviors where you’ve got all of the cognitive thoughts and logic as well as creativity, abstract as well as concrete. Neurotransmitters, especially in the prefrontal cortex, are going to determine a lot between how many abstracts you have or how much abstract your brain uses in order to get clarity essentially. The primary neurotransmitters are catecholamines, which are dopamine and norepinephrine. Imagine the dopamine are girls and the norepinephrine are guys. The comp gene who regulates these is the bouncer outside of the party club.

TTL 588 | Colored Brain Model
Colored Brain Model: Neurotransmitters determine how much abstract your brain uses in order to essentially get clarity.


The bouncer determines how many girls and guys get to go in. Depending on how many girls and guys are in there, the DJ is going to play either some really cool abstract music or he’s going to play something a little bit more traditional concrete. That is one of the elements of how you get clarity. Some processes of getting clarity are much more abstract. In the brain’s ambiguity relief process, if you have an abstract brain process, you’re going to have to connect things in some way that does not necessarily need details or structure. On the other hand, if you have more of a concrete, you need more details in structure in order to really get that clarity.

When you go into the hippocampus, this is about how things connect. Essentially, you’ve got monoamines which include serotonin in here and acetylcholine, which is also a transporter. All of these stuff works together. Remember that hippocampus is also where you have long-term memory or where long-term memory is created. Clarity, especially when you’re learning, is going to be a really important element. The more clarity you have, the easier it is to get into long-term memory. The transporters connect everything or they don’t connect everything. You either have an active process of connecting or everything is working super-fast so that it’s all automatically connected.

What ends up happening is, let’s say, for example, you have a concrete process where you have to connect things actively. That means that you need to find structure. On the other hand, you have where everything is going pretty quickly around there. Everything is automatically connected. That means any information that you get instantly goes into the big picture end result thing that you’re noticing. Except you need lots of information. There’s the cingulate cortex, which is right between the limbic and the cognitive parts of the brain. What ends up happening is that there’s a gene here that deals with the speed of processing. If you think of speed, a lot of people think, “The faster my brain goes, the better,” yes and no. Let’s imagine that you’re in a Ferrari and you’re going 200 miles an hour down the freeway.

You’re not going to notice the flowers on the side of the road. You lose detail. On the other side, let’s say for example, you’ve got an SUV going through the jungle. You’re going to notice all of these different things that are going on around you, but you’re not super-fast. The other one would be, say for example, you’re on a bullet train which is on a track and you’ve got a very specific track to go which is fundamentally structure, but you have to move in order to get there. Another one would be something like a drone that’s super-fast, it has this element of seeing, feeling and knowing everything that’s going on around it. Speed affects the process. There are fundamentally four ambiguity release processes. The first one is what we call the green brain in the Colored Brain model.

This is called chaotic processing. Nothing’s connected. You have to connect things actively, but you do this, green brains are connecting through action. You take action, you ask questions, “What do you think about this?” You’re starting to move on things and that’s how you connect things. This is a very abstract process because you’re figuring things out as you go along but you see this big picture. The only problem is that the big picture is really fuzzy. There are no details on it and you know that it’s there and you’re going in that direction. Because the green brain is very action process, they make a lot of the mistakes because they’re taking action in the process. The thing is that the green brain also recovers faster from any mistakes than any other brain color.

Are we all different parts of this? One person’s a green brain or there are different times in your life you’re a green brain? I guess I need a little more background on that. Is this something we all have or only certain people have?

Genetic foundation, you can’t change it. It’s like your eye color. Are you familiar with gene alleles? It’s the length of your genes.

I think for people who don’t have this background, it’s important. Are we doing it like this where you’re in a quadrant? You have a little bit of each thing or is it like the color test where you’re a green, you’re a red, you’re a blue, you’re a yellow, everybody’s different things? That’s what I’m trying to get clearer.

[bctt tweet=”Even if you don’t know what other people’s brain colors are, just the awareness of yourself helps you to manage your own expectations.” via=”no”]

Remember that every day your brain is changing. Your behavior is changing on a regular basis. Your associations to things, habits, all of these different things change as you live. The thing is, the brain process or ambiguity relief process, it’s a genetic foundation. It’s like your eye color. It doesn’t change. For example, once you’re this particular process, you’ll always be in this process. With this green brain or chaotic processing, naturally, this person with his brain process does not sit down and analyze things. It doesn’t mean that a person cannot learn the behavior of analysis. You can learn the behavior of analysis, but you’re still going to do it in the same process. The process doesn’t change. You’re going to take out the action in your head.

What percent of people is the green brain?

On, we have these tests and we take a lot of information upfront from different parts of the world. Depending on geographical location, you’ll have a little bit of a difference in the percentage. Interestingly enough, it’s not a huge percentage. I would say, in general, you’ve got roughly about 30% to 35% of the population would be green. The next one would be red, which is what we call linear processing. Linear processing is also an active process. As an active process though, they need to find or look for structure.

They have to go front to back in the book. They can’t jump in the middle of the book and read it. It goes back to the front.

Exactly, they’re looking at this like, “You’ve got this. This fits with this.” It’s a linear process, logic, objective. In fact, sometimes they’re misunderstood because they’re very objective. Sometimes people feel that they’re not caring, which isn’t true. They can be as caring or uncaring as anyone else but because of their objectivity, sometimes they’re misunderstood. It’s the same thing with the green brain. Sometimes the green brains are misunderstood because people think, “You guys change your mind a lot.” From a green brain’s perspective, “I’m not changing my mind. I’m simply reshaping the process or shaping and reshaping the whole thing until we get to the same objective or better.”

How many people are reds then? Is that more common?

That’s the other higher one, which is about another roughly 30% to 35%. These are two active processes. Another two processes, there’s the intuitive processing, which essentially is like this sensitivity. Intuition is a connection to your subconscious experience, stuff that didn’t know you knew. It’s not like the universe is shining down knowledge on me.

What color is this one? Is this a different color?

TTL 588 | Colored Brain Model
Colored Brain Model: Personality is way too complicated to be put into any kind of test.


Yeah, this is a different one. This one is what we call blue. Intuitive processing is a very fast processor, same like green. Green is a very fast processor. Blue is a very fast processor, everything is connected. They don’t need to do something actively. It’s more of a passive. They see, feel, notice things around them all at the same time. They’re really good at multitasking because their process is so fast that they can notice what’s going on. When they get clarity, they need to reflect and feel and sense what’s going on. That’s how they get clarity. You can see where there can be a conflict between these. This is where you’ve got the red brain, which needs the structure, needs the logic, needs to see how everything is connected and needs to have that clarity before they take action. You’ve got the green brain that needs to take action before they get clarity. You’ve got the blue brain who’s like, “It feels right.” What does that mean to a logical person?

What kind of percentage are we looking at the blues then? How much of people are blue?

It’s around 20%, 22% roughly, in general. The next one is purple, which is called relational processing. In this one, everything is also connected. It’s connected through data and information. The more data, the more information, the more details that you have, the more clarity they get. With more information, they start to see options. As the options start to come clear, then it’s like, “I’ve got option one, I’ve got option two, option three.” The only problem is that these people are often misunderstood because it takes a really long time to get all of these details. You’ve got all this foundation where once they have all of these details, they’ve already got all the options. If they make a mistake, they don’t have to start over. They can just revisit the options, maybe get a little more information and move forward.

Does this tie into the Jungian type of Myers-Briggs and how that’s based on Jungian theories and that type of thing?

The Jungian stuff deals with personality. Personality is way too complicated to be put into any kind of that. We don’t believe in personality tests. This deals with only one thing, how you get clarity. For example, with any of the Jungian stuff it’s like, “You’re risk-averse or you’re not risk-averse. You like ponies or you’re introverted.” This has nothing to do with that.

This is just how you process information more.

Yeah, but the thing is this is only your how. For example, you take Myers-Briggs. That’s a personality test. We personally don’t agree with that, but let’s say for example, something like DISC. DISC is a behavioral test. For example, you’re a high D, which is you’re driven. That means if you’re a high D, how are you a high D? Are you a high D who needs structure and gets things done through putting the structure together? Are you a high D as a person who rushes into things, takes action and gets things done that way? Are you a high D as a person who gets lots of detailed information? By understanding your how, you’re also understanding how you can accidentally be setting people up for failure and creating a lack of trust in your team.

I’m a high D and if I’m a red, I would need to do it my logical way. How would they set me up for failure?

[bctt tweet=”Emotional drives are fundamentally your primary motivators. Certain behaviors are exhibited or motivated through certain emotional drives.” via=”no”]

Let’s say you’re my boss and you’re a red and you are very logical and structured, but let’s say I’m also a high D, but I’m a green. You tell me, “You got to do it like this and make sure that this paperwork is filled out in this particular time. You got to keep this schedule.” I’m going, “My boss is an idiot.” That’s not how I work. You’re stifling me. You’re trying to make me fit into a box that I don’t fit in. Therefore, I feel my boss doesn’t understand me. My boss doesn’t trust me. I’ll try to do it your way because you’re my boss, but half the time, I’m not going to really appreciate it, but I’m not going to tell you because you’re my boss. I’m eventually going to slunk away into disengagement and not put in as much time and maybe as real effort as I really have the potential to because I feel stifled. Your process doesn’t match mine.

I worked for a company where we had to take management by strengths, which was a color test and they put you into different types based on your preferences and all that type of thing. We had to post our colors on our cubicle so other people knew how to interact with us. Do you like the idea of that kind of thing? Do you think we’re putting people in boxes too much then? Is that a good idea? Is it impossible to tell these things by talking to people and determining it that way? Do we have to put everybody through these color tests training? I’m curious where you fall on that.

First of all, we believe that if people know your color, remember this is only one thing. It’s not your personality. It’s not why you do things. If I understand how you communicate and how you need me to communicate to you, that helps me. For example, inside of the Colored Brain system, people in a team when they’re in the same group. They can invite each other or they can use one code to get everybody in the group to automatically be in the same group. What happens is that immediately, not only can you see other people’s color, but you can also see who’s in your danger zone. In your danger zone, these are people that you would have difficulty potentially communicating with and you can also see whose danger zone you’re in.

Is it usually the opposite?

Yeah, sometimes, it depends. It depends on their scores specifically on a test that you take on You’ll see who’s in your danger zone and you’ll see who’s danger zone you’re in. Sometimes, if you’ve got a person whose danger zone you’re in and they’re in your danger zone, then they’re doubly dangerous. The thing is it gives you an opportunity because sometimes you don’t even know that there’s a problem. It gives you an opportunity to find out, at least communicate with this person and say, “I noticed that we’re in each other’s danger zone. Are we okay?”

At least he opens up the opportunity for communication and clarity with each other. On top of that, the system because everybody’s busy, you’re not going to remember all this stuff all the time. The system has these little buttons next to everybody’s pictures or name. You can say additional insights. It’ll give you a menu. For example, you want to be a better leader to this person or you want to be more productive with this person or you want to have a better relationship with this person. You click on that, it’ll tell you tips of what to do. That way you don’t have to memorize everything.

I saw that you have 73% improved employee engagement and I saw a lot of these statistics you had on your site and information. I’m curious if knowing what we know about this, once you understand how everybody’s different and how they do their how. If you’re working with people who haven’t taken these tests, somebody you’re trying to sell to in another company or they’re somebody you’re dealing with, another situation where you can’t push on a button and find out about them, what can this teach us for how to get along with people? Say you want to open up a branch in another country and they have completely different culture, how does this help us?

Culture-wise, it doesn’t matter. It transcends culture based on all of the data that we’ve got. We’re looking at multiple cultures and a lot of culture change work that we’ve done including Emirates, which has over 100 different nationalities working in the group. We found that it transcends culture and it really was able to connect multiple cultures much more easily simply because they had a common ground. One of the key things that if you know what you are, and even if you don’t know what other people are, just the awareness of yourself helps you to manage your own expectations. It helps you to deal with people more intelligently if they don’t give you things in the way that you think it should be done and also even how you lead them. It’s also important to note that if you are in a leadership type of situation, by creating an environment where you use the language. Say for example where you teach people this stuff and you say, “Remember I’m green,” and people know what that means. That bypasses a lot of the potential conflict or conflict language that people don’t want to use.

TTL 588 | Colored Brain Model
Colored Brain Model: Performance measurement can be applied to creating fun work processes.


It reminds me in the education of using VARK when you’re trying to teach people. Some are visual, some are kinesthetic. Once you understand that you can present information in different ways, you’re not going to capture everybody in one way. You’re saying this is a similar thing. You understand this stuff and then you don’t do it in your own one way.

Yeah, but it’s also important that you understand that focusing on your strength is more important than trying to be other people’s colors. We do these exercises where after everybody already knows everything and then they try to emulate the other colors and it’s a total disaster.

You were doing gamification of some sort. Was that part of that? I was curious what that was about.

Gamification is another element. Measurement is part of Colored Brain and closing communication gap, improving your ability to connect, deal with people intelligently, productively and getting that trust. Gamification takes it a step further. Gamification is the idea that performance measurement can be applied to creating fun work processes. Let’s say for example, the game that you saw. In that particular game, when we’re doing that stuff, some of the objectives for that group were cross-departmental cooperation, leadership and teamwork. These are not traditionally gamified processes. It’s pretty easy to gamify sales because it’s tangible, but cross-departmental cooperation, teamwork and leadership are a little bit woo-woo things.

One of the things that a lot of people do is in their performance measurement, they measure KPI, Key Performance Indicator. They measure a specific result. While that is great, let’s look at Facebook and Instagram. Can you imagine it’s like, “I have to wait until the end of the month before I can find out how many likes I got and how many shares.” Nobody’s going to show up. We need that instant gratification. We are in the PFB era, the Post Facebook era, the era of instant gratification. If we don’t see something now, eventually we don’t even know are we doing it right? Are we doing it wrong? Are we on the right track? In order to achieve this KPI, you’re going to need to have these behaviors one, two, three, four. You measure the behaviors. How many times has this person exhibited behavior? There are apps like Squadli that help to gamify little things in twenty seconds. It’s super easy and super-fast to measure behaviors.

Those behaviors can be company values, for example, or they can be whatever it is that an organization wants. Colored Brain is part of it, understanding the emotional drives is also part of it. Emotional drives are fundamentally your primary motivators. Certain behaviors are going to be exhibited or motivated through certain emotional drives. Your process, how you’re achieving things, Colored Brain is also going to be important in some of the things that, for example, teamwork, cross-departmental cooperation because you’ve got situations where people don’t cooperate because it’s like, “This person, they’re too rigid or maybe they’re too fluid or whatever.” Therefore, they end up creating these barriers based on Colored Brain. We call that brain racism.

We recognize this, but what do you do to help them other than to recognize it and open the communication channel? Are there specific guidelines? I know you’ve written a book. You have the Architects of Extraordinary Team Culture. Do you write about that in that book? Is this in your training? I’m curious where you cover that.

With the emotional drive and the ability to predict team performance and develop commitment in teams, organizations and cultures are in the book, the Architects of Extraordinary Team Culture. The book is written in a cheeky way. It’s a story that happens in ancient Egypt and it’s a fun story that illustrates practical and psychological elements of how to create high-performing teams. One of the things that’s got in it is it’s got a matrix. If you have one person, this person’s behavior will be like this if they have these emotional drives. You mix this person with this person and they’re going to have different behaviors.

[bctt tweet=”In order for curiosity to be expressed, you have to have a safe environment.” via=”no”]

You mix this person with a different person and you’ll have different behaviors. You throw another third person into the mix and you’ll have these different behaviors. It identifies the different behaviors that you get not as an individual, but as a group. When you’re with your friends, your behavior is probably different than when you’re at work. You also have different groups of friends, and so your behavior is different. You’re not purposely doing that. You’re not purposely going out of your way like, “I’m going to behave this way with these friends.” It’s just that each group brings out different facets of who you are. Sometimes it’s good and sometimes they maybe not so good.

Arthur, I think it’s really interesting to look at how this works across countries though because there’s so much involved. I was watching so many of your videos. You seem to be in every country. I’m like, “Where is he now?” You are very culturally-diverse in your training. I was looking at some of these videos and it was really amazing. I know you have your Carmazzi TV and you have and you’ve got all these great sites for this. If people are trying to work with different cultures and different parts of the world and they need to, as you said, in each group it’s different. The people coming in don’t know all this stuff. You’ve been trained but they haven’t. How do you take what you’ve learned from? How do you understand their perception of you is easier, maybe what they can understand of their perception of you?

Honestly, that’s one of the most difficult things in the training industry in general. People tend to send individuals for training and then those individuals are excited. They’ve learned all this new stuff and then they go back and they try to implement or use it, but because the other people haven’t really taken the training, the amount of real implementation is limited. One of the key things that we advocate and we do a lot of organizational culture change programs are pretty much everybody in the organization is exposed. Not necessarily through us but through, what we call key influencers. You were mentioning That is a tool that benchmarks organizational culture. What ends up happening is that a lot of times people or organizations will do all these culture initiatives. We are going to improve our culture or we’re going to do our company values, really roll it out and make everybody excited.

They’ve got some kind of initiative that is supposed to affect their overall performance and their culture. They don’t benchmark it. They don’t know where they start. is if there’s a tool, we call it the OCEAN, Organizational Culture Evolution Assessment Navigator. What it does is it starts with a benchmark. Where are you? At what level of evolution is your culture at? Every few months or whatever is good for you, after you have implemented your initiative that you’re trying to achieve, how much have you evolved? It gives you comparisons and it shows you where you’ve improved. If you maybe went backward a little bit, it shows you what’s working and what’s not.

That’s interesting because I created the tool to measure the things that impact curiosity. My idea was I wanted to benchmark, where we are? What is stopping us so that you can move forward? Because if you can’t see where you are and what’s happening, how do you move forward? I love the thought of doing that, but I’m curious, do you deal with curiosity at all in any of your training sessions? Where does that come into play? We got to ask questions to be innovative, creative, motivated, driven. What are your thoughts on the curiosity aspect?

You’re the expert on this, Diane, not me. Let me give you my take on curiosity, how it relates to innovation. I personally feel that everyone is curious. I also am fully aware of multiple levels of experience that in order for curiosity to be expressed, you have to have a safe environment. In an organization, I find that a lot of these larger organizations, the environment is not safe. There is a lack of trust, which is one of the reasons, the foundation of Colored Brain starts to have an impact on that. The way that people deal with each other. One of the concepts we’ve got is called the No Blame Zone.

You can download the sign and get some information on it at The concept of blame kills trust. If you create a blame-free environment, not one where people are not accountable because there is an alternative to blame, which we call failing intelligently. The thing is that when people feel that, “I am not safe,” whether emotionally safe or mentally safe. I am not going to express my curiosity. I’m not going to try new things. In fact, in many cases, we find what we call the blame culture. People will just say, “Tell me what to do and I’ll do it because I don’t want to take the risk of doing the wrong thing.”

Fear is one of the biggest influencers I found in the research and environment. We have fear, assumptions, technology and environment were the four things I found. A lot of it, they overlap. Your environmental cause you to have fear or the assumptions or what you tell yourself in your head based on your fear from past experiences of things going on. All of that can definitely play havoc in the workplace with trust and trust is such a huge thing. All of this is really interesting. All these are all psychology-based things, which I’m interested in, but my training was in business even though I wrote my dissertation on emotional intelligence. I’m curious about what you studied. Did you study psychology more than business? What is your background?

TTL 588 | Colored Brain Model
Colored Brain Model: Blame kills trust. If you create a blame environment, people will not express curiosity because they won’t take the risk of doing the wrong thing.


I was a student for a few years in three different universities and got no degree.

What did you study? That’s more interesting to me than the degree. It’s like Steve Jobs studying calligraphy.

I studied motion picture production. I studied chemistry and physics. I studied psychology and I studied international marketing.

Those are all my areas of interest. The first one I wouldn’t be so great at, but the others I think are all fascinating. When you mix all this up, you’re a curious guy. You mix all these together and it’s like Steve Jobs with his calligraphy or whatever it is that you find the thing that you grasp from each of these areas. That’s what I’m interested in having people be lifelong learners. It doesn’t have to be formal education. You’ve done some amazing things with what you have accomplished. I’m looking at the list of all your accomplishments. It’s pretty impressive and I think so many people would learn so much from you. You’re seriously a global guru in many different areas here. I know we’ve listed a lot of your links so far, but I wasn’t sure if you wanted to share maybe a couple of others or anything else at the end of how people could reach you. Are there any final messages you’d like to share?

All the videos and stuff that you see on YouTube, you can find my channel at If you want to take the Colored Brain test and find out about that, you can go to The Culture Evolution tool, if you want to benchmark your organizational culture, it’s If you’re interested in gamification at all, go to

That was so nice of you, Arthur, to do this. I appreciate it. It was so fascinating. I admire all the work you’ve done. Thank you for being on the show.

Diane, it’s been fun.

Thank you. I appreciate it.

I’d like to thank Arthur for being my guest. We get many great guests on the show. If you’ve missed any past episodes, you can go to You can find out just about everything at whether you’re going to go to the radio show, find out about speaking, consulting. If you’re looking for more information about Cracking the Curiosity Code book or the Curiosity Code Index assessment, you can get it there or at All of what we talked about ties into the work and research I’ve done with curiosity. We’re talking about all these personality-based issues, but they’re more behavioral and genetic-based the way Arthur looks at them. I think curiosity is one of the fascinating things to research because there was nothing out there that determined the factors that hold people back from being curious. That’s what I did in the research.

You can find out what’s holding you back from being more curious at and take the Curiosity Code Index assessment. It’s an instant report. You answer 36 quick questions and you can find out because as we talked in the show, if you have a baseline and you know what’s inhibiting you and where your issues lie, then it’s easier to move forward and progress. That’s what we talked about at SHRM and all the great conferences I’ve been attending. Everybody’s excited about this research because what it does is if you can build curiosity, you can improve innovation, engagement, motivation, drive, you name it. It all ties into that. Everybody’s trying to be more engaged, relevant and all the things, especially consultants are looking for a tool that they can use that’s different. We’ve all taken DISC, Myers-Briggs and all these assessments.

That’s what’s great about what Arthur’s working on, it’s a different way of looking at how we can improve performance. I think the same thing is true with the CCI, the Curiosity Code Index, because you can find out not so much categorizing you as this is where your issues are and this is how we can move to improve. I hope you take some time to check out all of Arthur’s information, all the links that he sent. Please support our guests because they all are on the show because I find them completely fascinating and that’s why they made it onto the show because they have so much to offer to help everybody more productive, innovative, engaged and all the things we’re trying to improve now in the workplace. I hope you enjoyed this episode and I hope you join us for the next episode of Take The Lead Radio.

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About Arthur Carmazzi

TTL 588 | Colored Brain ModelArthur Carmazzi is ranked as one of the world’s Top 10 most influential thought leaders in leadership and organizational culture by Global Gurus. As a bestselling author and founder of the Directive Communication Psychology, Arthur’s brain clarity research and gamification methodologies have influenced the training and leadership development industry through his unique neuroscience and game-based psychological approaches to leadership and corporate culture transformation.

His innovative tools, assessments, and games, have a visible ROI on marketing conversion, engagement, productivity, and effective behavior modification. His research on the genetic foundations of the brain’s Ambiguity Relief clarity getting processes has been the inspiration of the Colored Brain model used across multinationals in 57 countries. DCI has over 500 licensed Directive Communication (DC) Psychology leadership and culture trainers in 18 different countries who are delivering Value to clients globally.

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