The world is in a state of shambles because of a palpable lack of proper waste prevention. As it stands, large corporations refuse to practice proper waste prevention because they believe that they’re truly more profitable without it than with. Michael Rada is known as the Father of Industry 5.0. He sits down with Dr. Diane Hamilton to discuss the state of waste prevention in the corporate sphere. Michael brings up a variety of interesting points to consider, so make sure to tune in for this spirited discussion.
I’m glad you joined us because we have Michael Rada. He is known as the father of INDUSTRY 5.0. If you don’t know what that is, you are going to want to stick around because we’re going to talk about a lot to do with how to make the world less waste-filled. A lot of that deals with what we’re doing with recycling and what’s working and what’s not working.
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A World Of Waste With Michael Rada
I am with Michael Rada. He lists on his business card that his title is Human. It is the most valuable title he’s ever had as he puts it. He is known as the father of INDUSTRY 5.0. It’s nice to have you here, Michael.
Thank you. It’s nice to speak to you, Diane.
I was looking forward to this. This is a unique topic for my show. I know we had met through some communications we had on LinkedIn. I’m curious to get a little bit of background on you. For the audience, they may not know your work yet. I want to make sure we get where you are located and just a little background that led to you being the father of INDUSTRY 5.0.
I am located in the Czech Republic in the middle of Europe, in the city called Pilsen, which is the place where even the Pilsner Brewery is situated. My background, it’s almost 30 years in logistics. I specialized in supply chain efficiency and in the innovation of the supply chain. In the last few years, I concentrate 100% on the aim of building a wasteless world by preventing waste to happen. I have realized in this long business experience that no matter where I worked, a lot of waste is being created and nobody cares about it except the waste companies.
We will touch the issue of why we cannot expect waste companies to clean the world. I found out that there is nobody who does this. I started to invent new methodology to develop tools and it was a Blue Ocean project which started as industrial upcycling. I’m aiming for industries and companies and I teach them to prevent waste to happen. Years later, INDUSTRY 5.0 was born from the experience which I generated within the starting time of creating the world by preventing waste to happen.
It’s an admirable thing that you’re working on trying to make the world wasteless. We have a lot of ways to work for companies that probably created waste and you don’t think about that when you’re young and you’re working for a manufacturer. It brings to my mind the people I’ve met either through this show or through going to events. I remember at a Forbes event, I met Eben Bayer. He created a way to take mushrooms and create a Styrofoam replacement because there was so much waste from Styrofoam. I could see that there’s a lot of focus on trying to utilize what we have so that the Earth doesn’t have all this debris. I want to talk about INDUSTRY 5.0 because I think a lot of people don’t know what 4.0 or what industry any number is. Can you explain what that means?
I will start with a 4.0 because this is something that a lot of people talk about since 2013 when it was launched and introduced in Germany by Siemens Company and the German government. To say that simply, every sink, every ward will do a machine or technology and the people will enjoy the free time. This is a simplified definition of INDUSTRY 4.0, but I found in this image one big issue, that the image forgets about a man. As Carl Gustav Jung, says, “People cannot live meaningless lives and if you see people around you who are lost to work or who are in their end and don’t have anything to do generally, they get older fast and they are tired.”
We need meaning in our lives. Work means industry. It’s a significant power. I try to integrate it and together with the waste and wasting, I put it all in a global picture because everything is connected. This is what I learned from the logistic point of view. Many people lose the bird’s eye view on the existing environment. I don’t mean only the environment trees, but in general, the planet itself and ours. I am trying to revolve this feeling and I want all the answers, what is and why should anybody start with INDUSTRY 5.0? I ask every CEO only one question when I start a new project, “Do you want to generate waste or profit?” For years, I received only one answer to why everybody is generating profit. Believe me, if I show you the images which I had from the factories, you will never believe the volume of waste that is generated. It’s unbelievable.
I saw your presentation and some of the things that you’ve presented, they’re disturbing images. If you give that question to us, we’re going to say we’d rather not have waste, but in order to be profitable, how do you not have waste? Do you solve that problem for them?
[bctt tweet=”We, as people, need meaning in our lives.” username=””]It’s strange, but it’s simple. You have to know what the definition of waste is. It doesn’t matter whether we speak about the US, Japan and the Czech Republic, it’s similar because it was introduced by the waste industry. There are two main definitions. The first one is waste is something that you would like to get rid of. This is a definition of law. That’s horrible. For me, this is not a definition, but the second is slightly better. Waste is something that you located in a place dedicated to waste storage. It means you put it in the garbage, in a bin, or in a container, and it’d become waste. How do you prevent it? Simply do not put it there. I have one example which I have to show on camera, but I can explain. If I have a gold watch and I drop it for some reason in the garbage, the law says, “It’s waste.”
I cannot take it out. If I stretch my hand and catch it in mid-air, it will not become waste. This is waste prevention. We have to think ahead before we put anything in the garbage. This is working, but it’s not difficult. Everybody can do it. We even developed a methodology that helps people to understand and how to implement it immediately. There is no cost connected. You spoke about the mushroom and EPS for Styrofoam story. I have something similar. I saved a company 50 million Czech crowns a year without investing a single penny by implementing the system. It was quite interesting. You just have to change in your mind the way how you treat things. If you do not need it, it doesn’t mean it has to become waste immediately.
The byproducts we have from creating things, and if you don’t need it, what do you do with it if it doesn’t help you create more of what you’re trying to create?
If you have a byproduct, in industrial production it’s called Industrial surplus. There is a lot of metal and plastic. The issue is that the user does not speak to any other industries. You speak only to the waste industry and the economy is wasting part of our systems. It’s wrong. For example, if you cannot use the wooden pallet in your factory anymore, you can offer it to another factory. You can do the same with the rest of the plastic about those. They can be crushed and put in the streets. There are many existing methodologies, only they are not implemented because they are implemented on a small scale. Maybe in a local factory, maybe somewhere. We have to connect all the industries. You spoke one very important point. Communication.
If you do not speak the same language, and I don’t mean English. I speak the language of efficiency. We can speak English and we will not understand each other because you will speak about something and I will understand something different. This is happening in the industrial environment. Even in a Czech company where only Czech people are working, I’m introducing vocabulary for the people to understand each other. Communication is one key point to reaching an understanding. I mentioned at the beginning that we could not expect from waste companies that they would like to build a wasteless world. I know it because I asked all the CEOs of the big companies. They said, “No, we will not support you.”
At the beginning, I did not understand why, but now I do. It’s simple. Their core business is to manage waste. If there will be no waste, there will be no profit. I am sorry, but I have to say that recycling is a lie. The idea is correct. Let’s take a material, let’s return it to the cradle again and make something new for it. If this idea was taken by the waste industry and the only result you have more garbage bins of different colors, at least in Europe. I think it’s similar in the US as well. It’s the psychology point of view. If you have more waste bins, you will fill more waste bins. The implementation of recycling in the meaning of sorting. For example, in the UK, it increases the volume of waste by 80% in households. It’s not decreasing the volumes. On the contrary, it’s increasing. As China stopped importing the plastic waste and the other wastes, it shows up immediately because it was trading more cleaner material somewhere. It has nothing to do with real recycling. I’m sorry, but it’s the truth.
I’m curious because my husband loves to recycle and he’s careful about what you’re saying, you go through and sort. On our end, we’re doing our part. Who’s not doing their part?
The waste company is not doing their part because you do not recycle. You sort. This is different. You do your part means sorting, you’re doing it right. Many people around the globe do that exactly, but then it’s handed over to the waste company where you expect they will do something from it because they call it recycling. The only thing that they do, they take it, press it, pack it and sell it. In the Czech Republic, for example, in the sorting of plastic, we are about 85%, but in recycling, 2% of the volume is being recycled. The rest is being sold. That’s exactly what is happening.
It’s sold to do what with it?

Waste Prevention: Waste is anything that’s been placed in an area that’s dedicated for waste storage.
It’s sold to China and they produce your new iPhone from it or new glasses. If China refuses, which means they have started to do a crisis in waste management. It has nothing to do with your sorting. You do still do good and better every day. By the way, they’re companies who for 30 years just sold but never recycled it. They say, “What shall we do?” It’s China. It’s not us, but it’s not true. The waste industry is built on wasting. It’s not built on the recycling or doing something on it. We are speaking about bottles. I work with Ohio State about eliminating the wind blades, which are huge in landfills. It’s the same. I can do it. We can prevent waste to happen there as well, but they are in landfills, which means Ohio State will pay money for landfilling something that can be reused.
You’re saying we were selling this to China, but are they no longer buying it? If they don’t buy it, then where does it go?
At the moment, it goes to your landfills.
If China was able to recycle it, why can’t we?
You can as well, but there is no interest. There was no infrastructure built for them because the infrastructure of waste companies was only for collecting, crushing and selling.
Why doesn’t China buy it anymore?
In the years of development of this scheme, it was not only plastic. Even the metal was exported and many other materials, but it was not clean as needed or let’s say the development of the technology cannot accept any more unclean material on my phone or on your phone. That means they will send more material which was not suitable for their production. Speaking about plastic, I don’t know how many of you have heard about it, but for over 30 years there already exists a process called pyrolysis. Generally, you take 100 kilos of plastic waste and you squeeze it and you turn it back to 80 to 90 liters crude oil from 100 kilos, which means it’s almost equal. Why is it not implemented? The two most profitable industries, the oil industry and the waste industry, are against it. This technology exists and in 2019 it’s slowly being implemented in many countries.
I saw in Kickstarter or one of those platforms, they were trying to turn plastic into the material they’d use to create highways too. What’s happening with that? Is that a potential use?
It is because it’s a big quantity. In India, they are doing that since 2013 and in Brazil as well. There is a dangerous waste from Indian hospitals turned into building material. There is nothing dangerous with it. It’s plastic, it’s compressed. It’s called heating compression. It’s a great material for construction. What INDUSTRY 5.0 does, this slow project which we are running already, we are trying to implement it on a global scale. It’s systematic waste prevention. This is what nobody did before me. This is why I started it because nobody concentrated on the industries, but the industries are the biggest waste generators in the world. If you search zero waste in Google, for example, mainly you will see only individuals who do zero waste, but not companies. This is all I am changing since 2015 where it was introduced in January 2015. I do it for a much longer time. I started in 2010 already, but as my main job, I do it since 2013.
As you say this, SpaceX had a launch that was canceled because of the weather. Elon Musk has been working on those reusable rockets so that you don’t waste. Have you talked to people like Elon or others who have this sense of reusing things?
[bctt tweet=”We have to think ahead before we put anything in the garbage.” username=””]I tried, but I am just Michael Rada. As I have on my business card, there is a human. There’s no president. Even if you put the name of INDUSTRY 5.0 in your Google search, probably the first link will be the definition that I published. You cannot say the internet didn’t deliver my name and the experience because I am sharing a lot. I wrote over 1,000 articles all in English, over 5,000 in Czech. I am sharing a lot, but these people do not speak with people like me. They are starting. I have everyday speeches with people and companies from all around the world because thanks to COVID, everybody started to think my way, the waste prevention way. They are slowly turning from wasteful to wasteless. One thing I can be interested in, not just for you but for your audience as well. We spent five years calculating how much money can be saved globally if industries start to prevent waste to happen. We do not have the numbers from the work industry and from the oil industry. These two didn’t deliver numbers, which we needed, but over $475 trillion per year are just the savings.
Are any jobs lost or are they created from that?
Created, because if you take an empty bottle and you would like to make something different from the bottle, like a glass, every bottle is slightly different. If you put it on a machine, the machine will not be able to do it, but a man can do it. We are implementing much more manpower back and the manpower will be supported by the technology that’s correct but will not be around. At the moment, many companies look at robots to decide what the men will do. The speed of the line, production numbers, and the machine decides what men will do. In INDUSTRY 5.0, man decides and works with the help of the technology of machines. This is the complete term, but there is a space for both, only in a different way.
I’m thinking isn’t that less efficient and more expensive?
No, that’s interesting. Have you ever heard somebody speak about the graveyards of new cars? Industries are running on quantity. It has nothing to do with the needs of the market. We just grow huge quantities of something which maybe will be solved. About 30% of it is not being sold and become waste immediately without even touching the end user. The INDUSTRY 5.0 is working not with quantities, but it’s matching production volumes and consumption. This is communication. We have tools thanks to the internet, all the IT, and big data processing. We have the possibility to connect the request with the production.
For example, in a Mercedes-Benz in Germany, since 2016, two of the factories switched to robots to men because it’s more efficient. We will produce less, which means less consumption, fewer resources. In the global picture, less cost. We can sell it for the same price or even a higher price because the people will be willing to pay for it because the industries will not damage the environment. They will support it. We will utilize those underground mines. This is something that is already existing.
It’s interesting to hear examples of companies that have been successful. What is the most impressive recycling you’ve seen? What industries do you think get at the most? Do you have any stories?
What was interesting, for example, it was zero investment. We even have to implement new names like Zero-Roy or a Reversary, which the economics do not understand, but I can explain. Another project, for example, which will be applicable to the US market. They are single-use packaging items. If you work with wires, you get the wires usually on a cable drum or a cable coil. It’s made from wood and a combination of metal or plastic. It doesn’t matter. This cable coil is single-use. It’s not only that, 54 wooden pallets are single-use, 75 cardboard boxes are single-use. Business means factory to factory. There is nothing wrong. They are not broken, they are nothing, but you throw them away immediately.
Especially if you do with that, you generate a profit immediately, not only on the side, you can make it returnable. This is one way. The second way is you can make something different out of it. Every factory is using some type of packaging so they can switch from single-use to multiple use or secondary use. There are many possibilities. What I do remember, but I was not at the project at the time, I have heard that even Boeing, because of the troubles, switched from robots to manpower in setting up the planes because there has been some issue which wasn’t recognized until the planes get down from the sky, but men recognized it.

Waste Prevention: Communication is the key point to reaching understanding. It’s important for people to have vocabularies for people to understand each other.
In one of your talks, you talked about space debris. What is it? Do people recognize that there is such a thing?
It consists of two parts. One is nature? Part of the material, part of the something which flies around and it’s from the space and its nature. The biggest part of space waste is parts of the wreckage. They are parts of, for example, from the toilets and many more similar parts. What is horrible is the fact that there are 170 million pieces of space debris smaller than 10 centimeters, then 650,000 of 10 to 30 centimeters and over 80,000 that are over 30 centimeters. These are not my numbers. NASA spends millions of dollars to calculate and visually size space debris because they have the technology. At the beginning of my project, Richard Branson, together with Land Rover, started a challenge. Who will be one of the first who flies into space? I took part in it.
Unfortunately, after that, there was this unfortunate happening that two of the astronauts were killed, so they stopped everything. When I have to clean something, when I would like to implement something as waste prevention, from my generation, I need to see it with my own eyes. I have to touch it because then I can do it this way. The Japanese tried to take it down, shooting it from some type of satellite, shooting it down. It’s not the right way. They even produce more. They try even something like a space string to take it down. Space debris is space trash, which is a combination of human trash. Somebody even considered we should send our trash to orbit. It’s unbelievable how they can think this way.
I listen to a lot of Neil deGrasse Tyson and different authors about different things. I remember in one Neil deGrasse’s books, he was talking about the points of leverage and how there are certain parts of the space where the gravity from the moon and the Earth equal out in the middle where one’s not pulling on the other end. Stuff just stays there. That’s why our satellites can stay in one spot. Are you saying that the trash just stays in around the Earth and these spots where the gravity is?
No. Our space slowly goes down to the Earth. If it goes down, then it usually burns. This wouldn’t be the problem. The problem is that if somebody is trying to fly from the here to space, it can hit the trash. If somebody from the space would like to visit us, he will not be able to because maybe they will see just the trash bin, not a planet. This is what I am not happy about. I don’t want to leave this trash bin image for my daughter to live in. I will do everything to avoid it. Thanks to COVID-19, in one month, the air is green. Since 1987 with the Kyoto Protocol, we’ve been trying to do the same. A virus that nobody can see achieved that in one month. We cannot achieve it in 33 years.
Where does that go from here? I remember in your talk, you said in 1812 we had 1 billion people. Now, it was like more than 7.8 billion. Once everybody gets over being freaked out about COVID and how people tend to go back to doing things as usual, do you think we’ll we go back? Do you think that this will make a lasting impact?
I hope it will not go back to the waste society and business. INDUSTRY 5.0, if you look at it from a slightly different perspective, it’s nothing else than logic and logical behavior. What our grandparents did, we can get back only if we have new technologies. We do not have to run to be efficient. Running is not efficient at all. I hope that the industries will not repeat the same mistakes of over-producing a huge quantity of something which is not needed, exploiting the Earth, the resources which we had, which are not unlimited. Elon Musk got the first license from digging in space for the resources. I hope it will not get back to the same because if people will understand, then the change is simple. Prevent waste to happen.
Do not put it immediately in the garbage. It starts somewhere where you didn’t think about it in your head. It’s not China, it’s in the hand of the man and the head of a businessman. I am not asking the industries to spend money to get something they’re throwing back. I ask them to take their own money, which they are wasting, and we are speaking about huge amounts of money, which even for Elon Musk will be interesting. I offered to go to the Tesla Factory because I saw similar pictures and videos which show me the factory does not work efficiently. They do not use space efficiently. I can help or we can help them. It’s not just me. There are a lot of people around the globe who are trying to establish this new environment.
I interviewed Naveen Jain. His company is Moon Express. They were going to do mining on the moon. Some of the stuff that you hear about are bringing back more debris. I’m curious if you work with people like that who have the technology and are working in this space sector. Could they somehow utilize what they’ve done to help with this space debris?
[bctt tweet=”Industries cannot keep repeating the same mistake of over-production.” username=””]I am sure we can cooperate to make it better. The issue in a company is they concentrate on core business. The core business for this company will be bring something to Earth from the moon and sell it for a good price. In my eyes, I make a lot of a calculation of the efficiency of supply chains and this is nothing else than a supply chain. Even if the price is high for every single ground where they bring to the Earth, I don’t think it will be efficient. Not at the moment. I think it’s not necessary because we have the resources here on Earth. If we utilize what we have and we utilize the underground mines, we do not need to go to the moon to pick it up.
We should go there to build habitats. It’s correct. I think the expansion from Earth is a correct way of development from looking from the global point and perspective. We have machines. We can do it. Let’s go through it. We speak about it. I was born in 1971, when I was born, somebody almost stepped on the moon. It was a long time ago. We can do it, but we did not. Why? It’s the question, but I will not behave badly as we did here on Earth. If we start with the waste thing on a new planet or new habitat, we end up with a global landfill.
You mentioned that waste companies aren’t thrilled with you and why not work with waste companies to help them find a way to make this more profitable?
They do not see this potential. I spent two years negotiating, explaining to the CEOs of many of the biggest companies in the world. They don’t see this potential because they see only the short time potential of wasting. Even if you have the face mask, it’s dangerous waste and you will pay ten times as much as for the normal way. They are still being profitable. Many years ago, the waste industry was the fifth most profitable industry in the world after the war industry, crude oil industry, human trafficking and drugs. Nowadays, the same industry is in third place. It’s only the war industry, the oil industry and the waste industry. Human trafficking is no more profitable than the waste industry. I’m sorry to say that. These people prefer to kill me and these people are not nice.
Trust me, but I have nothing. They have nothing to take from me. I do not collect money. I do not collect cars or homes. I even lost my family because of my job because I’m concentrated on this one and only aim. They cannot take me anything, except for my life. My blog was written in 2019. Even if I am dead, still my worst will reach the people and I’m trying to share as much as possible because I know I have such an enemy and it is an enemy. Look how much money is invested in recycling, which is generally a lie. Even in US, at the end of 2019, $50 million just for billboards around the streets for recycling. That’s not the right way. Unfortunately, there are people around the world who influence a lot because they have a lot of money to spend. I don’t know whether you spoke with Bill Gates, but second, in his portfolio, it’s waste.
You’re saying Bill Gates would not be in favor of this because of waste or he would be?
I tried to speak to him. I am unnoticed, but I am not sure about him. I think that Bill Gates is a wise man. If he understands what I am saying, he will change this because waste prevention is more profitable than waste, even in the short-term. The people who invest the money, they don’t see so much as I do. I don’t know why I can see it. I have all the time. I’m not a time traveler, but sometimes it looks like it. I know it’s more profitable because every factory I made, it’s 750,000 metric tons. It’s unbelievable. Every factory was more profitable because they cut a regular monthly bill for waste management. Additionally, they create cost centers for selling the production surplus, not the waste, and it was a big difference. I think Bill Gates will be on my side, but the message has to reach him. I hope through this discussion will reach him.
I’m not sure if Bill reads the blog, but I think it’s interesting that you’re taking this such a big thing. Who works with you on this? Is this something that you have? A company? Is this you with your idea? What’s your main source of income? Is it working with this, trying to build this as a company? I’m curious about that.
I have established a company, but I am the only man who is working in the company. I am a single-man company. You have to have an LTD because I’m working with the big players and as an entrepreneur, I will not have enough chance or it will be not efficient to work with them. Around me, it’s about 7,000 people who are interested, but each of my clients is becoming my partner. I built the environment based on three principles, which I stated at the beginning of my work. First is transparency. Everybody and everything has to be transparent. It’s different from the business environment.
Second is profit sharing. The people who edit the value, even the workers, have the right for 60% of the profit. They share 60%. It’s not for me. I will not be happy to have more zeros on my bank account. Why should I? That’s not bringing me any further. The third one is efficiency. If you do things efficiently, you will do it right and you will generate more. How do I finance this? I realize the project and I get paid from my client. There was no investor, no funding, nothing like it and I am not an NGO. I am an LTD and I try to push and show that even changing the world, I do not have to be an NGO or dependent on somebody else’s money. I can do it with my own hands. Many students told me, “Mr. Rada, I am just a student.” No, he or she is a human being the same as you and me. We have our hands. We have our power. We can change the world.

Waste Prevention: We have our hands, we have our power, we can change the world.
You want to change the world. Why this and not global warming or some other topic?
Everything is connected. If we change it, global warming will not disappear, but the situation will be better. People from Greenpeace, from Fridays for Future and many others do not like my work. Firstly, because I say, “You don’t have to be an NGO or dependent on somebody else’s money.” The second reason, it’s simple. Firstly, deliver this out. For Fridays for Future demonstration? Have you ever seen that somebody holds a piece of paper, which does not say, “Change the world for us, for us to live better,” but a paper saying, “What shall I do so the world will change?” They think that a demonstration or strike, they are striking for another strike. It will be a never-ending story. We will strike. Who will do the work? It was crazy when I started my company, I wrote something. IBCSD is the name of my company. IBCSC is an elapsed statement and I finished it.
I grew up in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. I have learned about The Communist Manifesto. I don’t know whether you have heard about it. It was written by Marx and Engels. I finished my statement and I start to laugh and my wife says, “Are you crazy?” “What are you doing?” I said, “I wrote a second Communist Manifesto,” I studied again what was inside, the original one, and I found the difference. Marx and Engels says, “Everybody should share.” I am the same open-end. The issue is that they didn’t mention that to share something, you have to deliver it first. You have to produce it first because they never worked in a factory. I started as a blue-collar worker in a steel factory. For one year, I worked in a harsh environment with my hands. My intention to get out was not because of the hard work. I was used it because my brain stopped to be creative. It’s like working with a dead brain. It was unpleasant. I started to do everything. I tried every time to be the best no matter what I did.
Special projects like the flooded underground and I have crazy projects. In everything, I learned something from it and I think we have to do it. All of my speech, no matter whether I speak to seniors, children in kindergarten, in university, or business people. You have seen the presentation. When I showed the picture, everybody in the room is changing. They start to think differently. This is why it’s needed to share. This is why I was happy we started to communicate. I would like to repeat, you see I can speak about a topic for days and I have a workshop for innovation for two days. For sixteen hours, I’m speaking and sharing with the people. I am living it because the aim is only one. It’s to create a wasteless world. I know I will not live in it, but I know as well I will speak in it and this is something that the drive is for.
A lot of people are probably curious to watch your video or to talk to you about this. How could they find you?
The best way it’s to put my name in Google search. I am Michael Rada or look for INDUSTRY 5.0 because at the same time you will find my work. I have a company called IBCSD. The website is I have many other sites. I am on I advise everybody, please Google my name. You will get for sure to me very soon.
Michael, thank you for being on my show. This is a fascinating conversation and I appreciate you giving me such a great background on this. I hope it opens up a great dialogue about what we can do about this.
I thank you Diane, because to be honest, it’s the first time when INDUSTRY 5.0 hit America. I hope, thanks to your support, we will change the US as well because it’s the same. We are living on one planet. This is my home, so as yours. This is what we have to change. Audience, I wish you a nice day, free of waste and wasting in all its forms.
That’s such a great place to end. We get many great guests and unusual topics on this show. If you’ve missed any past episodes, you can go to On this site you can access the radio show. On that radio page, it also lists all the AM/FM stations and podcast stations where we air. We also include a lot of information on the site. For those of you interested in finding out about Cracking the Curiosity Code book, taking the Curiosity Code Index assessment or even getting certified to give the Curiosity Code Index assessment. It’s all there. You can also go to to find out more about that. It’s much great content, many great guests. I find every show unique and different because everybody gets to share their different insights and I find it fascinating just from looking at things from different angles.
That’s probably one of the reasons why my next work that I’m working on is with Dr. Maja Zelihic. We’re working on Perception. Whether we agree or disagree on topics is not as important as that everybody has a right to their opinions and their stances. The more we look into everybody else’s opinions on things, it can help us understand not only why we believe certain things, but why they do. We can communicate better and have more effective workplaces. There’s also more information coming on the Perception Power Index and some of the other things that we’ve created as part of the Power of Perception book that we’re working on. Keep subscribing on the website and to the blog and you’ll keep getting the show delivered to you. In addition to getting the blog, you get to listen to the show as well. If you have any shows you missed, please go check them out and please join us for the next episode of Take the Lead Radio.
Important Links:
- Michael Rada
- LinkedIn – Michael Rada
- Naveen Jain – Past episode
- The Communist Manifesto
- Cracking the Curiosity Code
- Curiosity Code Index
- Perception Power Index
About Michael Rada
Michael Rada is listed on his business card as a human. It is the most valuable title he has ever had. He has been a senior manager and other titles in the past. He is the father of Industry 5.0.
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