Dr. Diane Hamilton's Blog

A Revolution in Hiring and Working with Eva Andres of Juniper Networks

TTL 782 | Technology For Social Impact

Using Technology To Advance Social Impact With Darian Rodriguez Heyman And Flipping The Script On Human Resources With Laurie Ruettimann

You’ve never seen a business plan without a competitive analysis. It’s ridiculous to think that somebody would run out and start a company without surveying the landscape. That is why it’s fascinating that the whole world of social entrepreneurship or nonprofits lack in this area. Dr. Diane Hamilton’s guest on today’s podcast is Darian Rodriguez Heyman, a keynote speaker, best-selling author, and an expert in the area of nonprofits. Darian shares how nonprofits can use technology to support and advance their goals around social impact and build the capacity of not one or two groups or leaders but the entire set.

With the growth of the gig economy, the number of people who are full-time employed workers is getting smaller and smaller. However, the majority of the HR world we have right now is built for a workforce that existed years ago. They seem to get a lot of things wrong, and so Laurie Ruettimann sees a need to fix it. Laurie is a former Human Resources leader turned writer, entrepreneur, and speaker. Today, she joins Dr. Diane Hamilton in dissecting the need to flip the script on human resources. After all, work isn’t the be-all-end-all. People need to put themselves first so they can take control of their careers.

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TTL 732 | Leadership Effectiveness

Leading With Curiosity And Honesty With Peter Kozodoy And Leadership Effectiveness With Tim Spiker

Life can be full of obstacles and challenges, but we can gain great fulfillment by overcoming all of these with curiosity and honesty. These values are also vital as a leader to lead with utmost honesty to create an organization that also reflects theses values. Peter Kozodoy joins Dr. Diane Hamilton to talk about these values. He relates them to our open-mindedness to accept failure, which, in turn, can help us become individuals who are ready for change and influences others in the organization to do the same. Peter is a TEDx speaker and entrepreneur who empowers businesses to adopt these values.

Be it in business or anywhere else, every team needs a leader, an individual representing the values of the organization and effectively guides them to the path that is for their greatest benefit. They are those who encompass excellent social relationships with their team and have effective decision-making skills. Tim Spiker joins Dr. Diane Hamilton to talk about development journeys and learning experiences related to leadership effectiveness. Tim is the Founder of The Aperio and the author of the book The Only Leaders Worth Following.

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TTL 694 | Global Leadership Practices

Why Bother?: Discovering What’s Next With Jennifer Louden And Global Leadership Practices With Dr. Kyla Tennin

We can get so easily lost with whatever is going on around us that we forget to ask the necessary questions for ourselves. Dr. Diane Hamilton talks with personal growth pioneer, Jennifer Louden, about finding answers to how we can engage most with our lives and be our fullest selves. Through her new book, Why Bother?, Jennifer brings us back to the things within ourselves that we’ve long been putting into the corner. She shares the ways we can tap into our deepest desires to discover what’s next. So start asking yourself, what do you want to bother about?


Aligned with the topic on what’s next, Diane also interviews Dr. Kyla Tennin—Chair of the Board, President, and Global CEO of Lady Mirage Global—about her journey to getting a higher education and becoming a global CEO. Offering insights for businesses that want to grow and expand, she shares with us her dissertation entitled, “Regional Executive Leadership Turnover in Multinational Corporations.” She gives out some global leadership practices that vary from different perspectives on leadership styles across the world. Gain a great deal of learning on leadership and more in this conversation. 

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TTL 672 | Online Education

Debunking The Online Education Myth With Norm Allgood

A lot of jobs are now embracing a remote workplace, and it might not be long before education joins the fray. Online education has been around for quite a long time but has garnered bad rep over the years. In this episode, the CEO of Synergis Education, Norm Allgood, joins Dr. Diane Hamilton to change your mind by sharing the success of his company in producing top notch career changers. He talks about the online education industry’s growth and improvement over the years and how it can help in improving higher education. He also explains how stackable credentials are starting to jump from IT into other industries and discuss the possible effects it may have in education and employment as a whole.
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TTL 654 | Freestyle Soccer Entrepreneur

Road To Becoming A Freestyle Soccer Entrepreneur With Danny McGhee And Amplifying Exposure Of Small Medical Businesses With Dennis Yu

Your life’s success strongly depends on your perseverance to outgrow your misfortunes and turn them into your fuel to becoming a better person. In this episode, Dr. Diane Hamilton, chats with Danny McGhee, a freestyle soccer entrepreneur and a US Ambassador for the Prince’s Trust. Learn from Danny as he shares to you how he is marketing and differentiating freestylers from footballers in the US and UK.

The medical industry is also a huge marketing industry. Here as well is the secret weapon of seven-plus- figure founders in the health, fitness, and wellness industry, and the CEO of BlitzMetrics, Dennis Yu. He shares to us how he has helped amazing innovations like the Kaqun Water become known and desirable in the world of medicine. Listen to Dennis as he shares how he makes many businesses in the medical field thrive.
Continue reading “Road To Becoming A Freestyle Soccer Entrepreneur With Danny McGhee And Amplifying Exposure Of Small Medical Businesses With Dennis Yu”