Uncovering Bravery Through Brave Masters with Jena Rodriguez and The Changemaker Project: Social Change Through Students with AnnaLise Hoopes

TTL 595 | Social Change Through Students

Uncovering Bravery Through Brave Masters with Jena Rodriguez and The Changemaker Project: Social Change Through Students with AnnaLise Hoopes

Jena Rodriguez, a business and success strategist and the Founder of Brave Masters – a company committed to accelerating visibility, catapulting profits, and unleashing the entrepreneur’s full potential – shares to us what it means to be a Brave Master. As she dives into how you can step into your power and believe in yourself, she also points out the bravest thing you can do and how you can be more successful by taking that leap and overcoming your fears.

The Changemaker Project aims to train students on how to become exemplary and impactful leaders for the global community. Educator, artist, and entrepreneur AnnaLise Hoopes share more about the program as she talks about her interest in education for social change. Learn more about their education project and understand their cause and future plans as well as discover how you can get involved in today’s episode.
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TTL 278 | Fighting Fear

Fighting Your Biggest Fear with Adam Smith and Living Your Life In The Front Row with Marilyn Sherman

Fear is the number one block to success- the fear of inadequacy, uncertainty, failure, rejection, missing out, change, losing control, being judged, and others. Author and blogger Adam Kirk Smith wrote his first book, The Bravest You, about it, feeling that it needed to be first because so many people deal with it. Become your bravest you as Adam shares how you can fight fear and live a successful life.


If life were a venue, where would you sit? Unfortunately, a lot of people settle for general admission seats when they could be giving themselves permission to move to the front because the view is so much better. Author and keynote speaker Marilyn Sherman says general admission is where most people are, in their comfort zone. They live and operate their lives without stretching themselves. The biggest obstacle that prevents people from living their life in the front row is fear. Marilyn shares how you can overcome those obstacles and move your chair closer to the front row of life.

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TTL 260 | Blindsided By The Taliban

Blindsided By The Taliban: A Story of War, Trauma, Love, and Loss with Carmen Gentile

On September 9, 2010, veteran journalist Carmen Gentile was embedded with the US Forces in Eastern Afghanistan a couple of miles from the Pakistani border. It was the last day of Ramadan and they were talking to some young men on the side of the road when he heard a whooshing noise. Carmen turned around and saw a man 40 yards down the road cradling a rocket-propelled grenade launcher. From the end of the launcher was a beeline of smoke, at the end of which was a conical tip of an ordnance coming right at him. The grenade hit Carmen in the side of the face without detonating. It blinded him in the right eye and fractured the right side of his face. Carmen talks about the experience and the whole ordeal in his book, Blindsided by the Taliban.

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