Deepening Relationships Through The Art Of Connection with Michael Gelb

TTL 432 | Art Of Connection

Deepening Relationships Through The Art Of Connection with Michael Gelb

In this digital era, many people are more focused on connecting with their gadgets rather than interacting with another human. Long before the age of the cell phone, survey after survey listed communication as the number one problem in corporate culture. Michael Gelb, bestselling author and the world’s leading authority on the application of genius thinking, says that the missing link in this problem of forgetting to build rapport with other people is in building relationships. His book, The Art of Connection: 7 Relationship-Building Skills Every Leader Needs Now, teaches us how to think creatively and develop innovative cultures in the workplace to deepen our relationships and transform our lives; because at the end of the day, what matters is how we connect with other people more than anything else.

TTL 293 | Body Language

Teaming Versus Teams with Amy Edmondson and Body Language Secrets Revealed with Greg Williams

Unexpected things come about from unusual situations where people encounter thing they haven’t done before. Consequently, they don’t know how to go about things. In the business world, this can be a huge problem. In such situations, how do you get people to work together towards a solution? Amy Edmondson, Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at the Harvard Business School, differentiates teaming versus teams. She defines a team as a group of people that are interdependent in achieving some shared outcome with a clearly delineated membership, whereas teaming is collaboration and coordination to get important things done without the luxury of stable membership. Amy shares how you can create an environment where people are willing to jump in and take the interpersonal risks of teaming.


With communication, much of it is working towards some goal. Greg Williams, Master Negotiator and Body Language Expert, says that everything that we do is a negotiation, and achieving our goals usually involves some type of negotiation. Greg discusses the importance of being able to read body language and to discern any hidden meaning that people are not disclosing in negotiating for something.

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TTL 284 | Servant Leadership

The Politics Of Servant Leadership with James Strock and The Gaps In AI-Related Industries with Dr. Cindy Gordon

Stretching servant leadership far back into the historical roots, founder and CEO of Serve to Lead Group, James Strock, speaks about some presidential leaders who have shown how they mastered technologies of their time in order to become effective. James takes us into the updated version of his book, Serve to Lead: 21st Century Leaders Manual, and gives great insights about how looking at history provides a bigger look at our current situation. Learn about mastering communication technologies as James takes you into the political side of being a leader.
Dr. Cindy Gordon, CEO of SalesChoice, Inc. and Predictive Analytics expert, takes us into the world of artificial intelligence as she identifies the various gaps within the related industries. Starting with gender, she talks about why there are less women working in AI and what are the possible solutions to encourage them. She also talks about the talent gap in innovation that has been sought after these days, and proceeds to lay some insights about the future as AI progresses.

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TTL 239 | Go-Giver Influencer

The Go-Giver Influencer with Bob Burg

We need to communicate in a way that we seek understanding because if we’re not effectively communicating or connecting with someone, it’s not helpful and no one’s influencing anyone else. In his latest book, The Go-Giver Influencer, author, keynote speaker and podcast host Bob Burg drills down deep and looks at what influence really is and what it’s not. Bob says there are so many misunderstandings regarding the word itself that it’s really important to look at how people could communicate a lot better and a lot more effectively. The Go-Giver Influencer is a compelling parable about the paradox of getting ahead by placing other people’s interests first.

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TTL 159 | Interpersonal Communications

Interpersonal Communications: Healing Relationships And Companies with Dr. Gilda Carle

Life takes us to different courses to learn lessons we need to learn, and Dr. Gilda Carle has learned a lot. From being a fearless teacher from New York to a corporate performance coach and bestselling book author, Dr. Gilda knows that every relationship is about interpersonal communications. She shares her funny and fun stories that made her easily reachable to her clients. Learn the importance of taking away fear from women so they no longer hold themselves back.

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