Building Human Connection In The Workplace with Dan Schawbel and What Goes Under Hypnotherapy with Dr. Nancy Irwin

TTL 269 | Human Connection

Building Human Connection In The Workplace with Dan Schawbel and What Goes Under Hypnotherapy with Dr. Nancy Irwin

In this modern day and age, technology has created more lonely people. More and more work in isolation, which is not doing much good on how we can influence society. On the business side, it affects the teamwork, productivity, and overall environment. People are becoming less connected and failing in building true relationships. Dan Schawbel, New York Times bestselling author, partner and research director at Future Workplace, and the founder of both Millennial Branding and, believes that true relationships are built through human connection relating it to the workplace.


Dr. Nancy Irwin is a psychologist at Seasons in Malibu and she’s a former stand-up comedian who also is a hypnotherapist. As a highly sought-after addiction therapist, she takes us deep into the process of hypnotherapy. She helps people overcome addictive behaviors, recover from sexual abuse and other traumas. Talking about the hypnotic trance as well as health, she shows us the power of mindfulness and seeing ourselves beyond our fishbowl.

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TTL 262 | Leadership Strategies

A Successful Leader’s Growth Mindset with Louis Efron and The Need For Soft Skills with Me’chelle McKenney

Behind every achievement is a purpose. That is what writer, speaker, and Fortune 200 HR executive Louis Efron believes and helps people look for. Talking about how he transitioned from theater to the corporate world, he shows how he brought over his love for moving people into HR. He discusses the secret to leadership and how to measure a successful leader, giving three things that these people must possess. Louis also touched on the importance of the growth mindset and being able to immerse and learn about the environment you are in while giving us some taste of the contents of his books.


Adding more wisdom on leadership is Me’chelle McKenney. She is an entrepreneur, certified leadership speaker, trainer, author, business coach, and owner of 3rd Degree Solutions. Discussing the different generations present in the workplace today, Me’chelle gives some leadership strategies for businesses to empower their people amidst their differences. She covers the need to improve people’s soft skills as well as for companies to be more dynamic, rounding it up with the mission of consultants to reach and teach more schools about it.

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How A Hobby Turned Into A Business Opportunity with Ron Douglas and Delivering Content To Pique People’s Curiosities with Cody Gough and Ashley Hamer

From time to time, we find ourselves craving for certain foods from specific places, restaurants, or food brands. But thinking about the means and effort to go those places seem like hard work sometimes or that they could be a tad expensive. Well, Ron Douglas has cracked the code to a number of those recipes. He is a former finance manager at JP Morgan who later rose to success as the founder of the #1 copycat recipe website as well as Ron Douglas Publishing. He recreates recipes to make it accessible to more people. Sharing how he got into the Wendy Williams show and sold a million copies of his book, he shows that even your hobby can be a business opportunity. Plus, he offers great tips on how to get your own book deals.


Cody Gough and Ashley Hamer from talks about providing information to people that will pique the curiosities in a most accessible and easy way. As an experienced writer, radio host, and podcast veteran, Cody Gough discuss about all the different ways of delivering content that makes it consumable to a number of people. With Ashley Hamer, she shows off her role as the managing editor of as well as a science communicator by giving us the ways to entice people into being curious. They also share the studies they conducted about improving people’s productivity in the workplace, pushing forward the importance of being naturally curious in all walks of life.

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Coexisting with Four Generations in the Modern Workplace

The modern workplace has seen growth in the 16 to 24-year olds and over 55 year olds.  With people living and working longer, this growth has led to four generations of workers trying to coexist. This may present challenges to management.  According to The East Valley Tribune, “It’s not merely age that differentiates these workers, said AARP officials, but rather how they approach accomplishing different assignments and tasks, as well as how much “work” defines their everyday lives.” 

These 4 generations include:

World War II Generation (aka depression babies) – Those born prior to 1945

Baby Boomers – Those born 1946 to 1964

Generation X – Those born 1965 to 1982

Generation Y (aka the Millennials) – Those born after 1982

According to the Tribune each of these groups has unique needs:

World War II Generation – appreciate a logical approach to work, with clear job expectations that are fair and consistent. This group prefers face-to-face communication rather than phone or email. . .are reluctant to buck the system, uncomfortable with conflict and reticent when they disagree with their boss or fellow co-workers.

Baby Boomers – represent the largest segment of the American work force. There are roughly 77 million Boomers who are service-oriented, appreciate a team perspective, and are motivated workers . . . appreciate personal communication and the telephone, are not necessarily “budget-minded” and are uncomfortable with conflict. In addition, some may put “success ahead of result.” They also insist on phased retirement and health and wellness programs to foster a healthy lifestyle.

Generation X – are independent and creative souls who are adaptable, technology-literate and like to buck the system. They don’t need a boss constantly looking over their shoulder as they enjoy being turned loose to meet deadlines. . .this group enjoys communicating by voicemail and email and is looking for development opportunities and to add certifications to their resumes for upward mobility.

Generation Y – brings to the workplace optimism, a can-do spirit and the ability to multitask, but they are often inexperienced and require supervision and structure. This group, which prefers instant messaging, blogs, text messages and email, has difficulty communicating in the workplace and likes to be spoken with one-on-one.”

Career Dreams are Attainable: Expert Guides Readers to Ultimate Success


01.17.2011– Dr. Diane Hamilton is the go-to expert on all things career. The author of three books, she urges readers to not be afraid to try new things. Most importantly, students and job hunters alike must be self-aware, allowing them to know what they want and to allow them to have the career of their dreams.

Bill Gates is not the only one who believes that online education is the wave of the future. In The Online Student’s User Manual: Everything you Need to Know to be a Successful College Online Student, Hamilton guides readers through the process. It took Diane many years to become a successful online teacher and it is the job she loves the most from her 30+ year working career. It’s time readers heed the advice of seasoned professor Hamilton.

In her second book How to Reinvent Your Career: Make More Money Doing What You Love, Diane delves deeper into the importance of taking that degree and making life choices to better oneself. After reinventing herself over 10 times in her career, Diane Hamilton learned many business and life lessons along the way, making her the consummate professional for advice regarding all things career. This in-depth book covers everything from how to properly use social marketing to studying the marketplace. A detailed analysis of up and coming careers is also included. Getting down to the “nitty gritty,” Diane Hamilton proves with this book that she has the power to convey what would be overwhelming information in a concise, no-nonsense yet friendly approach.

“With my first two books, I based my writing on life experience and sharing what I know,” said Hamilton. “Then I wanted to take it to the next level, taking advantage of my training and certification in personality assessments. I chose to have some fun and co-authored my third book with my daughter, Toni Rothpletz. Together we created a book, meant to be entertaining learning for post-boomer workers trying to decipher personalities in the workplace.”

Personality tests abound. Which one is right for each individual? Together Hamilton and Rothpletz analyze each test and leave it up to the reader (with guidance) to find the personality test that works for them. They make the case that having a certain level of self-awareness prepares those of all generations for the complicated personalities issues in the modern workplace. “New Gens,” a term coined by Hamilton and Rothpletz, includes Gen X, Gen Y and the Millennial generations. The authors explain how this unique group has specific expectations in the current working environment. Honing in on the fact that Americans spend a large majority of their time in the office, Hamilton and Rothpletz claim that it is not only encouraged but necessary to find a way to get along with all generations. It is a vastly diverse workplace in 2011 with boomers still working and Millennials soon to be taking their place. With Hamilton’s and Rothpletz’s sound advice new workers will be geared up for career success. A fun, entertaining, inspiring read, It’s Not You, It’s Your Personality: Skills to Survive and Thrive in the Modern Workplace, is a must-have for job seekers and survivors in today’s every-changing work environment.

Hamilton has taken it to the next level this year, offering three informative reads. With her work, readers can navigate the often scary and unchartered world of careers. The US is the land of dreams and opportunities. Authors like Hamilton can help guide readers to improve their potential. Careers can be fun. Careers can be reinvented. Most importantly—dreams are attainable. Dr. Diane Hamilton has proven that.

About the Authors:
Diane Hamilton currently teaches bachelor-, master-, and doctoral-level courses for six online universities. Along with her teaching experience, she has a Doctorate Degree in Business Management and more than twenty-five years of business and management-related experience. She is a qualified Myers-Briggs instructor as well as a certified Emotional Intelligence trainer.

Toni Rothpletz has a Bachelor Degree in Global Business Marketing and is currently working on receiving her MBA. She currently works as a business developer/sales executive in the computer industry. Her background includes working in several industries including computer software, identity theft, and social networking organizations.

To find out more about their writing or to schedule an interview, visit Dr. Hamilton’s website at or her blog at

Review copies are available.

The Online Student’s User Manual: Everything you Need to Know to be a Successful College Online Student by Diane Hamilton—August 2010 ($14.95/Amazon). ISBN: 9780982742808

How to Reinvent Your Career: Make More Money Doing What You Love by Diane Hamilton—September 2010 ($16.95/Amazon). ISBN: 9780982742815

It’s Not You It’s Your Personality: Skills to Survive and Thrive in the Modern Workplace by Diane Hamilton and Toni Rothpletz–December, 2010 ($19.95/Amazon). ISBN: 9780982742839 Approximately 220 pages

PR Contact:
Rebecca Crowley, RTC Publicity

