We have Camilita Nuttall. She is the world’s number one rock star international speaker. She’s the Founder and President of Event of Champions. She is fun to talk to. I’m looking forward to this.
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Achieving Success Through Hard Work with Camilita Nuttall
I am here with Camilita Nuttall, who is the world’s number one rock star international speaker. She’s the President of Event of Champions. She’s a seven-time award-winning corporate sales and business growth expert, executive business coach, entrepreneur and author. You name it, she’s done it. I’m excited to have you here. Welcome, Camilita.
It’s my pleasure to talk to you, Diane. We waited too long to do this.
We had a lot of fun at the last time we chatted. I learned a lot about you and I want to share all that with everybody. You’re always quoted on Forbes. You’re quoted in Think and Grow Rich for Women. If I listed the number of shows you’ve been on from the BBC, I can’t even tell you the list is so long. I want to know the background on you because a lot of people want to know how you reach this level of success.
I think I was born hungry. I grew up in Trinidad, in the Caribbean. I grew up watching television, Dallas and Dynasty. I loved the jewelry, the lifestyle, and I loved all of that and I thought, “I want to live like that,” because I was poor. We had no room. I slept on the floor and I struggled through school, but at the age of thirteen my father said to my mother we no longer have money, “I’m sorry, but you’re not going to be able to finish school.” My mother said, “We’re going to find a way.” My mother and I, at the age of thirteen, went on the public dump and dug through the rubbish. You see children dig into the rubbish to get glass bottles and food, that’s what I had to do at the age of thirteen in order to go to school. At the back of my mind was I wanted to win. I saw people having money and all of that. I’m like, “I want to do that. I want to be like them.” I worked hard. I started in law school and then I came to England to finish my law degree, but while in law school I thought there is more to life than law school. I want to do something else. I wanted to help my mother more than anything else, so I found every possible way to do what I’m doing and to be featured in all of those magazines and places that you mentioned. That’s it in a nutshell.
You’ve done a lot. You’re traveled over 50 countries. I was looking at some of your background and I introduced you to a couple of people here in the United States that I thought would be great for you. You’re a connection expert. You have this sales personality, which I find interesting with a law degree. How do you combine those two things? Is that typical for lawyers to want to go into sales?
I hated sales. I remember the first lady came to me on my previous job while I was a law student and was telling us all about selling products. I thought, “I’m sorry. Why don’t you find a proper job?” I told her off and she invited me to this event to hear about the industry of direct sales and corporate sales. I thought, “I can do that because I can make more money than the lawyers.” I understood sales as finding people’s need, solving that need and then finding multiple ways of providing the same service. I understood that sales were not going to get somebody to buy what they didn’t want to buy, but understanding their need first and I got good at it.
You have the personality for it. You have optimism and you have all a lot of things that come naturally to salespeople. A lot of people have difficulty adapting to it. There’s a lot of stress in sales, but you had this desire. You loved the glamour and all that type of thing. I’m curious where that came from? Is it because you didn’t have it or did you have a natural sense of curiosity as a kid? I write about curiosity, so I’m always interested in where people develop their initiative. Do you think it sparked from being curious?
I think it’s from seeing my mother suffer and didn’t have much. We didn’t have a proper toilet and our house was falling down. I used that as my why. Why do I want to make money? It was because first I wanted to look after my mother. I saw her struggle and helping me to go to school and everything else. I’m the last in eleven children. I’m the only one that’s doing what I’m doing. Everybody else is comfortable where they are in Trinidad. I’m the only one who decided, “No, I want more,” because I saw my mother struggled so much to help me, so I found my why in helping my mother before helping myself.
There’s a point where you’ve made enough to support people. What makes you continue to be motivated?
I got into corporate sales. Into direct sales, I did very well. I traveled to 50 countries, lived in four countries, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, the UK, but there was more. People were coming to me, “Can you coach me? Can you help me?” I’m like, “No, I got no time for that. I got a lot of things to do.” Eventually, I decided, “If you want me to coach you, I’m not going to be cheap. Let me tell you. I’ll do it and off you go.” I helped this one guy and he had great success and I thought, “This is something that I could do.” I went back into sales and I went to Mexico. My husband is a European and a manager for a cancer hospital. I see this facility and there was this lady there that was dying from cancer. She said, “Camilita, don’t live like me. I have all the trophies. I have everything. I have a lot of money.” She worked with some major companies, but she was dying. I decided perhaps I need to change my life and do something else.
Do you know what happens when we hear something good? We forget it. We come back. I came home. I did nothing. A few months later, she died. A year after that I had lightning come through my house. It came through the roof, through the ceiling, into my bedroom. We were the only house on the road that got it. It was about twelve inches away from my bed. There was a fire in the room, there was smoke in the room and I’m like, “God, you have my attention. I’m going to do what I’m doing.” What I’m doing is because this is my second chance at life and inspiring people to change their lives, building their brands, building businesses and create the life of their dreams and live like a champion. Truly give all and not leaving anything because you don’t know when you can have your own lightning experience. You may not be as lucky as I was.
I interviewed Joshua H. Miller and he got hit by a car. That led to this personal coach helping him get up off the ground and that led to his personal coaching. How do we get people to find their life passion? What is it that holds people back?
[bctt tweet=”If it’s not making money, it’s not making sense.” username=””]I find out their true why. Why do we even want to live tomorrow? Tell me why? I keep asking them why and they get annoyed. When we go down to it, there is always a fear of something either of success or a failure. Most of the times when I get down to that they were in tears because they realize there is something bigger to what they want to do with their lives. When we get to that point, literally everything changes. They see what they want to do. The fear goes away and they’re ready to go for it. It’s so important for me to understand truly the why.
As I research curiosity, I assume that fear was going to be the biggest factor that holds people back. You hear many people talk about fear. I found there were four things. There was fear of assumptions, which are the voice in your head that tells you whatever. Some of that’s based on fear. Technology and the environment and the people around us and everybody who’s influenced us. Fear is such a huge topic of why people don’t take any chances. 85% of what people think are going to happen or they’re worried about doesn’t happen. What do you think causes this fear in these people?
There are a couple of things. For instance with me, we all live in a community of people. Whether it’s in our immediate community, i.e. our home or business or an external community either social media online, outside of our own community where we’re at. People are afraid of what other people think about them. What are other people say about them? What do other people feel about them? The reason why social media is amazing is that we can all live this amazing life in front of the world, but the real root behind why a lot of us do that is because there is something that’s missing. There is a fear of being themselves. When people get to that point where they strip all of that off and the real them is seen, that’s when they make a huge impact.
People don’t want to do it because of those same people judging them. People are saying stuff about them. People do not perceive them well or to believe not even in themselves. People have been saying to them, “You’re not good enough.” They hear that from a child, from a boss, from a spouse. They hear all that negativity and they don’t believe. Some people even in their 50s, 60s or even up to 70s are still in that place of disbelief because of what was told to them. My job as a coach, speaker and trainer is to get people away from that and to understand who you are. There’s a quote in which I give out it says, “Who you are is not where you are and where you are is not who you are.”
What do you mean by that exactly?
Most people operate where they are. For instance, if I’m with a client and the client says, “Camilita, how much should I charge?” My mantra is if it’s not making money, it’s not making sense. Most people don’t charge what they worth because somehow they believe most of the time their circumstance, they think it’s around them. They thought they develop this program or product, so nobody knows what they should charge with this particular price. This is what I said to them, “Let me ask you a question. What have you done in the last several years of your life?” I said, “Write it down. Let us see what you’ve done.” When they’ve written down what they’ve done over the last several years, that’s who they are. It’s not where they are. Where they are may be different because of a situation, loss of a job, loss of your business or loss of a marriage. All of that’s where you are. They forget who they are and they sell only where they are. My job is to bring them back to understand all and to sell all of who they are.

Achieving Success: We can all live this amazing life. It’s just that we are conscious of what other people think, feel, and say about us that we stop.
You brought up a lot of things that are interesting. Those of us who lived before social media and remembered what it was before everybody had an opinion about us that they could post behind the safety of a computer. It’s a different world. I’m curious what you think Gen Zs level of fear would be and social media impact compared to maybe the Boomer Generation and Gen X and Y. Are we having more people who are more intimidated or are they used to social media people saying nasty things that they take it easier?
More so especially the younger generation, the Generation Zs and whatever else they call themselves, they are living in a world that’s not a real place. It’s real to them, but it’s not real in terms of everything that goes on around social media. Social media is amazing. The internet is the best tool for reaching people, for getting new clients or for building your brand. It’s tremendous, but what is lacking is the social interaction that is still needed for human development. I remember watching this program that they were talking about the difference between our age group compared to the people that are in the 20s and teens more or less. What perception as to what they perceived themselves is completely wrong and completely irrelevant to who they are. It’s a good tool but we need to have a bit more balance.
Which show is that? I’m writing about perception. I’m curious about what you were watching.
It was a documentary on BBC around some children and the perception between the age groups. I love to watch documentaries and things like that. I thought this is good because the parents were living in the children’s world for a week and the children were living in the parent’s world for a week. By the end of that week, the children will correct the parents as to what they thought the parents shouldn’t be doing as a teen. The teenager was like, “I understood from mom’s perspective, I need to come off my phone a bit more and I need to communicate a bit more.” It was amazing watching it. I learned as well to understand more of what my age group of what we think about how the younger people think and how they perceive and accept information, how they gather information. It’s not wrong, it’s having balance.
As I’ve been researching perception, a lot of it ties into emotional intelligence and empathy, putting yourself in somebody else’s position. As they say, “Perception is a reality.” It was Wall Street Journal had Gen Z is the most stressed generation and how they’re trying to cope with getting in the workplace. It’s fascinating to see how each generation comes up with a different slant of how they react to the world. That’s why they have so much conflict at work. It’s difficult to build that empathy, and that’s why there are many people out there. You and I talked to these companies about building some of these skills. Do you see that we’re getting better at building empathy in the corporate world or where are we standing with that?
I think there is huge hope. I was speaking to someone who does a lot of corporate training and they teach about empathy in the workplace. They teach about understanding the other person. It’s no longer the boss against the staff, but it’s more the collective community attitude toward achieving a goal. As much as the use of all social media is alienating some people, people are using it especially in the workplace to bring people together. People are communicating but you’ve got all these programs where people can communicate better in the workplace. People can show more support if somebody’s down. They can share in an open environment. All of that is tremendous and it is growing and people are using technology for something that’s meaningful and that’s amazing. It’s not all about the glamour. They’re using the workplace in a tremendous way.
[bctt tweet=”Technology today has made it simpler to reach people in different countries and to understand their culture.” username=””]You work with many different countries, so I’m curious how you’d see the perception and not within generations, but within countries of how they’re working with other cultures. If you’re a company in the Netherlands, the UK, America or Spain, do you think that there’s a different perception of it’s us versus them? Is it the same based on wherever you are? It’s the generational issues are the same, it’s just a different country.
To an extent, the generational issues are the same. However, for instance, people in Scandinavia, the way they do business is different from people in the US or Australia. I work with a lot of Australians and also people in Mexico. I work with a lot of Mexicans. People in Scandinavia want to trust you first. They need to understand who you are. Once they understand who you are and they trust you, they will do anything for you, but it takes time to build that trust. Whereas people in Mexico, they are more family-oriented. They’re more people-oriented, they all want to work together. Compared to people in Holland, they’re still a bit reserved when it comes to certain things, yet they’re open to other things.
Across the board, technology has made it so much simpler to reach people in different countries, to connect with people and to understand their culture. The internet is one universal paradigm shift that we all need regardless of whatever industry we’re in. However, if there is somebody that does want to break into some of those countries, I tell them first understand their culture. As much as business is done across the board and business principles are the same across the world, culture is different. The way in which they perceive information or understand your business perspective or what you want to teach, they’re absorbing that information differently. You got to first understand the culture of that country and then once you do, everything else is a breeze.
I’m curious about what you said on how they perceive or how they take the content in. If perception’s reality and they take it in different ways. How do we know? You could study the culture, but how do you adjust your information to understand how they’re going to perceive it?
If I’m promoting a particular brand or a particular service to people in Europe or Scandinavia, it’s all about relationship building first. It’s not what’s selling first. They want relationship building first before they jump and buy. The people in Mexico want what’s the best deal. Do you understand what I’m looking for? What is the best deal for me? In Australia, a completely different culture. Australia’s a little bit crazy like the Brits. They want to feel as if this is going to be something exciting. This is something that’s we’re going to enjoy. This is not something that is a byproduct and then off you go. It’s not just understanding the culture but understanding how they absorb information in their culture. Altogether, that’s what I have found. I’ve built businesses in Australia and in Mexico because I understood how they receive information. I understood the culture behind it and respecting who they are, which is a big deal. Some people going to a country and they treat everybody exactly the same in every country. It doesn’t look like that. Every country’s different, culture is different. You’ve got to understand who they are and how to perceive information before you go on with a blended buster and sell to everybody that’s in there.
What about how you’re perceived? Let’s say you’re starting a company and you’re in Africa or someplace that’s not a traditional place that you would think to be the next big thing. How do you know how others perceive you?

Achieving Success: To sell the information you have to other people, you’ve got to understand and respect who they are and what their culture is.
Firstly, I will do a survey. I would ask questions. There was a book that I’ve read and it’s talking about asking more questions. You’ve got to ask a question but ask questions to the right people. I teach in my 7 Steps to 7 Figure Sales and in my Fast Track Your Success Program. Go from the top down. Find the people that are the influencers who can help you get there a lot quicker but understand who you can collaborate or possibly work with. You go into a country on your own trying to set up shop and getting them to understand you, that’s going to be a recipe for disaster. You’ve got to find people you can work with there. People who understand the dream, the vision of the company and people who are also perceptive on where the company’s going. Nobody wants to join anything or start anything where they think it’s going to end. They want to see the long-term picture of your business, brand, product or what it is that you’re going. It’s important that you collaborate, it’s important that you start from the top down, you collaborate with people that have influence, authority and initiative. They’ll do the work, but also understand that it’s never about you. It’s always about the customer.
You have those seven steps you mentioned and I’m curious if you want to talk about that because that’s the one that stood out to me. You have a lot of topics you speak about and teach and train. Do you want to hit on any of those seven steps of what you think is important for people who are trying to improve their sales?
My 7 Steps to 7 Figure Sales, I’ll touch on about two or three of those. Step number one is about prospecting. It’s about sharing who you are and what you do. Step number two is listening and understanding. Step number three is key because it’s asking about them. Most people, when we get with a client, we want to tell them what we sell. We want to tell them how good our product is. We want to tell them how good our service is. I tell people, “Shut up. You ask questions first.” When you ask the right questions, the questions ought to be led with the answers that they will give you which your product supplies or meet that need. It’s a powerful way of doing it.
Can you give an example?
Let’s say I’m with a client and I said, “What are you looking for?” “I want to launch my new product. I want to do it.” “Why do you want to do that?” “Because this product can help people. It can help people across the world.” “What will happen if you don’t launch that product?” “I’m probably not going to make any money. I’ll probably leave it there.” “How would that make you feel?” “I probably won’t feel good.” “Have you found any way in which you can get help in putting that product forward?” “Not yet. I don’t think so.” “Would you like to hear something that can help you put that together?” “I definitely want to hear about it.” I would ask them questions specifically about a service that they’re offering and allow them to tell me what is it that you do? I never tell them what I do. I always ask questions and allow them to tell me how I can help them. That’s step number three. It’s powerful when people get that. Step number four is talking about asking for the sale. There are many people who get to that point and they’re stuck. What do I do? Ask for the sale. Ask what they want. What do you want to do? Ask for the sale?
Step number five is all about the follow-up. The average person follows-up two, three or four times and they stop. Follow-up takes between eight to twelve times before the person responds. Your job though is to follow-up correctly. You book a meeting from a meeting. We’re doing this call, it’s a meeting. We’re doing another call, it’s another meeting until you get a definite no. Even when you get that no, my step number six is going to get you many clients coming on to your ads. Step number six, ask for referrals. Ask who they know. I built my MLM business in the past with 11,000 distributors in 30 countries and in excess of $20 million in sales. Why? All we did was ask who people knew. Everybody knows ten people. One plus one is eleven. Ask who people know because somebody knows somebody who would be your ideal client. You didn’t ask so you didn’t get.
[bctt tweet=”Getting people to understand you is a recipe for disaster.” username=””]When we talk to people, we forget to do that part. That’s how you build a network.
That’s how you build fast. If you want to build small, keep going up to the next person. You’re looking for new clients and you picture me and I’m standing in front of you. You look over my left shoulder and into my right shoulder, that’s where you get rich, everybody that I know, not me. I may never buy from you, but I know somebody who will. That’s building fast.
That leads to a lot of opportunities and I know I’ve been asked to be on a lot of boards and different things because of who I know. It helps to be connected and for people who are trying to expand and do different things. I meet many people who don’t take advantage of social media or different ways of connecting with people. I’m always surprised by people who’ve written books and then I can’t find them anywhere else on social media. I’m like, “How could that be?” Do you find a lot of people are hesitant to get out there?
The biggest problem I’ve heard from a lot of my clients is, “Am I doing it right?” That’s the biggest concern most of them have. “I didn’t know what to post. I didn’t know what to put out. I didn’t know what articles are right because I thought I was going to get it wrong.” The perception is that this person had his phone up or did a Snapchat or did a quick video. It seems so as if it is effortless for them and the other person watching, “I can’t do that.” The average person has a problem being in front of the camera. It’s absolutely down to fear. You get them to do one or two, off they go.
It’s almost like if you’d gone to a city networking group where everybody is selling at each other, but nobody’s buying. How do you get out of that in social media so that you’re not selling to the same people who are trying to sell you?
Give value. If everybody else’s selling, you give. Have a system whereby when you give an eBook or when you give ten tips to do X, Y and Z or where you give three ways to do X, Y and Z. Have a system whereby they’re coming back to your website, your funnel or your landing page, but give. If everybody else is selling, you give. People will come to you because they know that you give. Even on LinkedIn, I noticed. If I promote my Event of Champions is coming up in Toronto, Dublin, London, I got people seeing it, people loving it. If I post something that’s educational or interactive or say in a way in which they want to communicate back, I have more of an interaction than if I were to post about it. They are seeing it, but they’re not taking notice because they’ve seen many of the same things. I’ve learned to give more advice, share more tips and be a bit more engaging with people. I’ve learned that because this is something that I want to do for my clients and I want my clients to do for their clients.

Achieving Success: We need a community of people around that’s going to fuel where you go and feed the big dream that you’ve got.
I’ve seen some of your videos. They are great. You’re really good at it. A lot of people, it takes some practice. It’s hard to talk right into a camera sometimes. You’re used to having two-way interactions. It touches back on some of the things I studied for curiosity and we’ve touched on fear of how that holds people back. I want to jump into some of the other things. Assumptions or the voice in our head sometimes is what holds us back. That could shape our perceptions of what’s good, what’s bad. We get back to perception there too. How do we work on that voice in our head that keeps us from being curious, exploring and growing?
That has been one of the biggest challenges I had as an entrepreneur. When I started off, I’m from the Caribbean. My English is not British English. I’m black. I’m a woman. Everything that I thought was negative, I dwelled on that. That was my biggest downfall. I wasted years looking up the wrong stuff and not believing in all of who I was. I remember this lady said to me, “You’re going to do this website. You’re going to launch this business. You’re going to do it. You’ve got until this date. I’m giving you a feature in my magazine and you better get all of those things done.” I had no choice but to go on and create it. I realized when I did create it, it was easy. We all need a mentor or coach. We all need somebody to give us some kick to get to where we need to. We all need that.
We need somebody who believes in us bigger than we believe in ourselves. Once we have that person that are giving us encouragement and knowledge, we then need a community of people around that’s going to fuel where you’re going, fuel the big dream you’ve got and then you constantly create new dreams, new visions. It’s like you’re building up your belief muscle and that takes time. Reading and pouring your mind. I read and pour my mind every day. I’m listening to podcasts. Even though I’m doing all sort of things, but I’m still empowering my mind every day to remind myself as to why I’m doing what I’m doing. This is what I encourage people to do. You can get off the rail easily when one thing happens.
That’s such an important thing. I have had people on my show like Naveen Jain, who’s the billionaire behind a lot of companies. I remember talking to him about how much he reads. It was a staggering amount. What I found interesting is a lot of people read things that aligned with their narrow interests, but they don’t expand and they don’t look at opposing viewpoints often, especially in political things and different things like that. How do we recognize and move forward in companies? Let’s say you want to work on people’s assumptions within an organization. Maybe from an HR perspective, what advice would you give trainers to help people to overcome those assumptions in their mind?
It’s building a club where people can share. We’re all going to be looking at this particular book or we’re going to read The 5 Love Languages or The Blue Zones or something that’s different. Allow people to discuss it. Allow for open dialogue and discussion. This is key. If people are allowed to have open dialogue and discussion, they’re allowed to share an opinion. Allow them to realize that their opinion is just an opinion. If we don’t have to act upon it but allow them to at least be able to share it. Having a club or somewhere people can share or some people can communicate about a particular topic, we can discuss a particular topic. It allows people to open up and share what’s bothering them or something that’s allowing them not to perform well or also finding out their own why.
Finding out why they are coming to work every day. Why is it that they want holidays at a specific time? What is going on in their own lives? I remember listening to all Art Williams and he’s been my online coach for a long time. Art Williams, a billionaire, insurance, and all of that kind of business. The one thing in which he said was that treat the employees like family. Treat them like real people. That’s something that the internet is allowing bosses and company directors to shift and understand that these people are real people with real concerns. Allow them to have an open dialogue. Allow them to speak and share. My staff and my own staff, I would say to them, “If you have something to say, you say it. Even if I may not like it, but I want you to say it still. I want you to know that I will listen.” There has to be an open dialogue. Be open and be blunt and allow for dialogue. Allow them to talk about things other than work in the workplace.
[bctt tweet=”Value gives value.” username=””]This is good advice, especially for leaders to know this. What if you’re in the mid-level or lower level of the organization and the culture and the CEO is not buying into this? Is there any way to work on all these issues or are you stuck in a culture that is stagnating and better to leave?
There are two things. If you don’t feel that you should stay, then don’t stay. That’s number one. Number two, more importantly, get somebody else to speak with them. A lot of times they will listen to someone else than they probably would listen to you even though they know what you’re seeing is correct. Find somebody else that’s probably their level within the organization, a friend, colleague, partner or somebody that they will listen to and let them come and ask the question to that CEO from their perspective. Ask the question, not at the lower level management said something, but what do you think if perhaps this is something that you might want to consider? Is it something that you might want to look into? This is what I do with my own business. My husband is my business partner and we’ve been working together for years across the world. There are times when I come to him and he is called CEO in a lot of things that we do. There are times that I come to him and I say, “This is something that we can look into.” Not as husband and wife just because he thinks that he’s the boss as well, but then I got somebody else to tell him who’s at that level and he sits up and says, “Let’s have a look then.”
It always helps to get additional insight into any discussion sometimes. Some people have a hard time listening to certain people give them input. We talked about the third of the four things that I wanted to touch on with you about technology. We’ve talked about social media and all that, but I found that technology holds people back from being truly curious or in some ways. The ways I see that is either people rely on it too much that they don’t get the basic understanding of the foundation behind things. They don’t rely on it enough to stay relevant and find out more about it so that maybe they could become more innovative at work. Do you have any advice that you talked to people about that when you coach?
In terms of technology?
Yes, and how we can utilize it to the most advantage and not have it hold us back from developing our natural state of curiosity.
It is structure and perspective. I was with a client and I was talking to her about a structure for her own business. Is verbal communication part of the company’s culture and is it structured in? Is being able to be open and have an open dialogue, not online, but have a place where people can stop and talk. Are these things structured in the business? Do people know that there was a place where they can go and they can talk to one another? There’s no technology in that room. They’re not allowed to bring the phones in that room. This is a place where people can have a cup of coffee and have a talk. That needs to be fostered in any company. It needs to be encouraged as well because if it’s not encouraged, the easiest thing that we will do on our lunch break where we will go get on a phone and sit down and browse and see what’s going on. If we encourage open dialogue or we encourage people to say, “Leave your phones. It’s going to be 50 minutes of dialogue, discussion, talk.” People will be more inclined to do it if they’re encouraged to do it. They’re not told to do it, but they’re encouraged to do it.

Achieving Success: Give yourself a goal to work towards.
I can remember when watching Simon Sinek talk about the Millennials and people and how often they take their phones in the room and how you should leave them outside. When you’re doing certain meetings and stuff, many people are distracted. You could almost have all technology day a no technology day. The last one I want to talk to you about was the environment. We all start as children, curious and as we grow our family, our teachers, our parents, our bosses or past bosses, social media. Everything impacts our abilities to want to seek out more information and grow. How do you recognize that this is holding me back? My family thought I should always be in sales or my family thought I should always be a lawyer. Whatever it is that it wasn’t you that wanted to go down this path. How do we determine our true path and filter out all the noise from what we’ve experienced?
I talk about myself and then I’ll talk about what we do with my clients. For myself, if I were to die now, what would I regret I didn’t do? It literally was none of those things I was doing. First, decide if you had six months to live and this is a reality, what would you do in those six months? Would you go to work? Would you carry on doing what you’re doing or would you start a charity and start giving back? Would you start encouraging others across the world? Would you start that particular business that you’ve always wanted to start? What would you do in those six months? If that is the case, then go do it, number one. If I’m speaking with a client and they’re in that predicament, I’m lost and I have a good job. I’ve got a good business. I’m making millions already.
I remember this lady came to me who is very successful. The first business did hundreds of millions and she came to me and she said, “What do I do now? I have all this money, but I don’t feel as if I want to go back into that. I want to do something else.” I said to her, “First, tell me your story.” She shared her own story and what happened in her own personal journey. I said, “What did you do to come out of that journey?” She explained and I said, “That is what you need to be doing now to help others. The passion and the conviction you shared that with, you didn’t have a passion and conviction when you talked about the business. You did when you talked about other people. When you talked about your own journey and what you did to come out of where you want. You’re proud of yourself.” I said, “You need to want to help high-end achievers with that same principle.” The next day she went and set it all up. Set up a website, set up everything and she’s encouraging, coaching and training people across the world doing it. She’s left her business. For me, it’s all about finding out if you had a limited amount of time, what would you do with that time?
What if you love data entry, but you also love living on a yacht? There’s a point where you have to live financially. Maybe what you love to do doesn’t make any money and it has no potential for making money but you like the good life. How do you reconcile?
I like nice things and I like expensive things like yourself, but I also like freedom. It’s all about finding balance. This is exactly what I was saying to our clients. It’s about finding balance and finding structure. You don’t work in order to live. Some people work so that they can have a life. Others live so that they can work for what they want. Decide and have structure. If you love freedom but data entry gives you freedom. Either you delegate so you could have more freedom or you find other ways of generating revenue so you can have more freedom. You make a decision and going to go for it and live a little bit different from what I’m living. There are options. You don’t want to do what you’re doing because if something does happen, you will regret you did not make that decision now.
I’m thinking of people I know who love their job, but they don’t love the culture of the company they work for. They’re there in maybe remote locations that it’s difficult to do different things. You have many options with the internet, what you can do remotely. What advice do you give somebody like that who’s on the fence? Whether to stay, whether to go. They love their job, but they don’t love the company in which they do it, but don’t have a lot of options.
[bctt tweet=”An opinion is just an opinion if we don’t have to act upon it.” username=””]I wasn’t that pleased in the past when I had a job. It doesn’t go as easy as it goes. The more I stayed, the more unhappy I got. What they’ve got to do is give yourself eighteen months. Create multiple streams of residual income from your income. Find other ways to make money so that you have something to look forward to in eighteen months. If you have a goal, it could be two years, it could be three years. If you have a goal to work towards the problems on the current job, you’re not going to worry about it because you know you’re working towards something. With a client and he was saying exactly the same thing. Works at a top company, generate good income and he said to me the next day things are going to change drastically then I’m going to have as much. He said, “I’m doing this coaching with you so that I can develop my business.”
Give yourself a plan, twelve, eighteen months, two years or three years. You got something to look forward too, so you know what you’re doing now. Yes, they could mess around with you. Yes, they’ll rub off the wrong way, but know that you’ve got something to look forward to. Create residual income during that time. Buy some properties, buy some investments, get involved in some collaboration with others, make sure you do all the math and all the legal stuff and everything but do something we all look forward to. Something that’s coming down the line. Something that you could say, “Yes, I am going to do this. I’m going to leave in three years.” In three years, financially you know you’ll be okay.
There’s so much foundation to decisions. Every once in while people go, “You’re lucky you’ve got this or that.” I’m like, “There wasn’t any luck.” There was a lot of work and a lot of planning and a lot of days where you do a lot of work for nothing. People want an instant solution sometimes and that can be challenging for people to think down the road. Sometimes you’ve got to have lean years for a while to build up to something. It’s like going through college. That’s expensive. You’re paving the way for the next thing. That’s hard for a lot of people to do that, but what you talk about is tied into what I talk about, so I was excited to talk about all the things that we touched on. You do so many interesting things and you do have a larger than life personality as I knew and I was looking forward to this. A lot of people are probably interested in knowing if they want to hire you as a business coach or for speaker. I know you do all those things. How would you have them contact you?
It’s simple. Go to my website Camilita.com. You can find everything there. Take my free entrepreneur assessment. Tell me a little bit about you and what you’re doing. You can find me all over social media, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, or go to my website and send me a quick message. Even on my website, we’ve got the Facebook button installed. Send me a quick message. I’ll get it instantly in Messenger.
Where are you? Are you in the UK?
I am in the UK getting ready to go to Toronto, Barbados, and Trinidad. Come back to the UK then go to Israel. Go to Dublin and back to the UK before September.
You have quite an interesting company and situation, Camilita. I was looking forward to this. Thank you so much for being my guest.
It’s my pleasure. You are an amazing host. Thank you for having me.
You’re welcome.
I’d like to thank Camilita for being my guest. She’s always entertaining to talk to and I’ve talked to her in the past and I thoroughly enjoyed it. We have many great guests on this show. If you’ve missed any past shows, you can find them all at DrDianeHamiltonRadio.com. As we talked about curiosity and the Curiosity Code Index and the Curiosity Code training that we do, I want to make sure you go to CuriosityCode.com for that. We’re training people to become certified to get to the CCI, which is the Curiosity Code Index. There are five hours of SHRM recertification credit associated with going through the training. A lot of companies are contacting me from all around the world to become certified to give this for their organizations. There’s a lot of great information at CuriosityCode.com. You can also contact me directly if you have any questions about that. My email is Diane@DrDianeHamilton.com. I enjoyed the show. We always have such great conversations and I hope you did as well. I hope you join us for the next episode of Take The Lead Radio.
Important Links:
- Event of Champions
- Think and Grow Rich for Women
- Joshua H. Miller
- 7 Steps to 7 Figure Sales
- Fast Track Your Success Program.
- Naveen Jain – past episode
- The 5 Love Languages
- The Blue Zones
- Art Williams
- Camilita.com
- Facebook – Camilita’s page
- Twitter – Camilita’s page
- LinkedIn – Camilita’s page
- Instagram – Camilita’s page
- YouTube – Camilita’s channel
- DrDianeHamiltonRadio.com
- CuriosityCode.com
- Diane@DrDianeHamilton.com
About Camilita Nuttall
The World’s #1 ‘Rock Star’ International Speaker, Camilita Nuttall is the Founder & President of Event of Champions, she is a 7-Time Award Winning Corporate Sales & Business Growth Expert, Executive Business Coach, Entrepreneur, Author & Property Investor who helps businesses of all sizes increase their sales, launch new products and services and be the expert in their market place.