Youtube is always in the spotlight. However, they do have some competition. Vimeo is another site where users can upload, view and share videos. As of March, 2010, they had over 3 million members. Vimeo’s name comes from combining video and me together. You won’t find any commercials on Vimeo. I was doing some checking to see what people were saying about how they felt about the differences between Youtube and Vimeo . . . here are some of the differences between the two sites:
Those who preferred Youtube, did so due to some of the following reasons:
- Quality
- Links to Related Videos
- Embedding
- Larger Audience
- Higher Possibility of Going Viral
- Large File Size
- Good Playback
- Can have infomercials and self-promotion has an interesting article that explains some of the advantages they found for Vimeo. Some of these things include:
- Ownership
- Content Allowed
- Copyright Issues
- Library
- Video Quality
- Uploading
- Promotion/Humiliation
- Community
- Downloadable
- Support
- Purpose
To read the rest of the article and find out about each of these 11 areas, click here.