Some of the most important things in life are not written in a book. Having a curious mind leads to learning a lot of things from the people around us. Keith Krach believes that diversity of thought is the driving force of DocuSign. As chairman and catalyst for digital transformation, Keith shares that authentic leadership can be found in different temperaments, talents, and convictions. Each member of the team has a genius thought that you can bank on. Keith shares how trust plays a huge part in making DocuSign the leader in digital transformation all over the world.
We got such a great show because we’ve got Keith Krach here. He is the chairman of DocuSign and he is fascinating, he’s funny. He has run so many companies. If I had to read the awards this guy’s won, we’d be here all day. Instead of doing that, we’re going to just get into the show.
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Accelerating Digital Transformation with Keith Krach
I am with Keith Krach, the chairman of DocuSign, the global standard for digital transaction management. The DocuSign Global Trust Network empowers more than 300,000 companies and 200 million users in 188 countries to transact anything, anytime, anywhere on any device, securely. Krach co-founded Ariba, serving as chairman and CEO. He’s widely recognized as the pioneer of B2B commerce, and today over $1 trillion of commerce is transacted through Ariba network, annually.
Krach started his career as the youngest ever vice president at GM, and he was recognized as the early pioneer in the robotics industry. He’s joined the founding team of Rasna Corporation, which was sold to Parametric Technologies, I believe, and he is a celebrated lecturer, spoken at Harvard, Stanford, Berkeley, and IMD business school in Switzerland on a variety of topics including business strategy, technology and how to build high performance teams. It’s so nice to have you here, Keith.
Thank you so much for having me on the show. Dr. Diane.
You’ve got quite an interesting background. You’ve got a BS degree from Purdue, an MBA from Harvard, an honorary degree at Ohio Northern University. You really have quite the background, you hit this really impressive point, to be GM’s youngest ever vice president, age of 26. I’m writing a book on curiosity, so I imagine you must’ve been a curious person to get to be that successful at such a young age. I’d love to hear some of your background. What led to that point?
I’m definitely a curious person. I can learn something from everybody and I also believe that the most important things in life aren’t written in a book. I’m curious about a wide range of things. I had a great opportunity with General Motors early on. They came on campus at Purdue where they gave a full ride scholarship to a female engineering student and a male, that was me. They really put me through great training, sent me off to business school and was able to form a joint venture in the robotics area early on. General Motors now, the largest industrial robot manufacturer in the world, so that was great. My philosophy is just jump in water over your head, it’s scary fun and you’re going to learn to swim, after a while it becomes addicting, so I’ve been doing it my whole life.
You took some time off though. I saw your piece on Selling Power. Gerhard Gschwandtner has been on my show in the past. I thought that was an interesting background that you were talking about how you had set 100 goals. You did your bucket list there for awhile. What did you do when you took off? I thought that was good, if you could share that.
My life has probably gone in chapters or seven or eight years after General Motors, then after Rasna, and then after Ariba, I took about seven years off. My oldest son was in eighth grade. I pulled him out of school for a year with his buddy and we called it Venture Academy. We went around the world and we kicked it off climbing up Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa. We did survival training in the Amazon. We built homes Nicaragua for Habitat for Humanity. I have five children I dearly love. It was a real great chance to get really close with them at such a great inflection point in their life. For me that was a payback time period. Two things that have given me so much in terms of my early leadership training was the Sigma Chi Fraternity and Purdue University. I had a chance to serve as the International President of Sigma Chi and then also Chairman of the Board of Trustees at Purdue.
At Purdue, my biggest accomplishment was hiring Mitch Daniels. He’s probably the best president in the AAU. I know you’re a student and also you appreciate the benefits of online education and being able to expose it to everybody. About a year ago, Buck Kaplan University were integrated into Purdue University Global. That is going to be tremendous in terms of having the high academic standards of Purdue, which is the largest engineering school in the country, given access all around the world. At the same time, one of our stated goals at Purdue is student affordability. We froze tuition for the last six years so it’s going to help in that. That was a great time period before I went back in the business world with DocuSign.
I saw how you came back to your wife to discuss whether you wanted to do DocuSign. You didn’t want to do it at first.
I said, “I don’t know if you want me to doing. This is 7×24 you’re going to be under the desk once a month in the fetal position, guaranteed once a quarter.”It’s a huge jump between being an executive vice president to a CEO. She just said, “I’ll sign now.” At that time I was chairman of DocuSign. She goes, “All I know is you’re so excited before you go to a board meeting. You’re even more excited afterwards. I’ll be by your side the entire time.” It’s been such a tremendous. Everybody affectionately calls her the First Lady of DocuSign. She’s a Georgetown lawyer. She knows the value of proposition as well as anybody.
I’ve been curious though, what causes you to get into a fetal position? I couldn’t imagine that there’s so much stress. What is your number one thing that gets to you?
It could be a whole host of things.
It could be just a cherry on top. One last needle in the haystack.
It could be anything from, “We’re going to miss the numbers,” to, “We could have hired the greatest guy,” or maybe this person left. DocuSign, Ariba, it’s all about trust. You have to make sure that your product is fault tolerant and the platform is always available. No matter what, that’s going to happen to every CEO. That’s an important factor. What I’ve learned in life is never get too high on the highs and never get too low on the lows. When you get knocked down or the world hands you a bag of sour lemons, the objective of the game is to turn it into sweet lemonade. Those are challenging times but that’s when you prove what you’re made of.

Digital Transformation: What I’ve learned in life is never get too high on the highs and never get too low on the lows.
You’ve obviously done very well with every company you’ve been in. DocuSign is such a great company. I worked in so many industries. I remember being in lending and real estate and different things where everybody faxed everything. Things have changed dramatically. DocuSign really is it now. How are you so powerful in a market? How come the competitors aren’t able to come close to you?
It comes down to the number one word that we stand for and that is trust. Everybody goes, “DocuSign is just so easy to use.”Every real estate person I meet, and I know you spent some time at Keller Williams, it’s not just I love the block, everybody says that. It’s like you changed my life. Under the covers is that trust in terms of data privacy, security, availability, enforceability, interoperability, all of that. What’s happened is that over time, DocuSign has become a verb.
Once you get to verb status, you know you’ve made it. We use it a lot in the online courses. I was the MBA program chair at the Forbes School of Business and a lot of the other universities for which I worked. They use it there as well. It just makes life so much easier and I can’t tell you the difference it is. It’s a very interesting company. What’s it worth? $3 billion is the value, the last I saw? It’s amazing.
That was our last financial round a few years ago. I remember when I was talking to the president of Dabrye and then he presented it at our user conference. This must have been four or five years ago. He goes, “This really helps out in terms of speed, of applicants, and the yield is very important and all that stuff.”He was showing the ROI in terms of productivity savings, hard cost savings, all of that,” but they said, “The number one thing is the students write to me and they say, ‘You’re using this. This is a cool school.’” It actually increased their yield which is a number one factor, the ratings.
I noticed your CTO was a woman. Was it Kirsten Wolberg?
Yeah. She’s fantastic.
That’s a tech industry. There’s so much focus on wanting to get more women in tech. Is that a focus that you guys have?
It’s a huge focus. I really have come to learn this and actually my mom drilled it into me, although she didn’t use these words. Diversity of thought and different temperaments, talents, and convictions is the catalyst for true genius and the secret sauce for authentic leadership. When you have a problem that ends up on the desk, especially once you’re at scale, by definition, there’s only a probability of success in terms of that problem. Otherwise, you have great people. They would have solved it if there was an obvious answer. Then the question is, “With this game changing decision or big critical decision where there’s only a probability, what do you do?”
I look at three steps. The first thing you do is you bring in the smartest people in that particular area that can help solve that problem or accomplish that mission. The second thing is you make sure they’re diverse in terms of looking at it from different angles, different industries, different temperaments, even different geographies. The third step is suppress their egos and have them focus on solving the problem or accomplishing the mission. Then at least at nights, when you got to make that final call, where there’s only probability you can sleep at night because you know you’ve done the right process. Diversity of thought is huge so we have a big focus on that at DocuSign.
Do you have a lot of virtual working relationships? You’re so high tech. I’m just curious, where exactly is your office?
Our office is right on the Embarcadero in downtown San Francisco. We also have a call headquarters in downtown Seattle, and then we have offices in all the major cities around the world. Our business is a global one, that’s critical. The company was started in Seattle, but we wanted to move right to San Francisco. Everybody thought, “Krach, are you going to bring all the Seattle people down to San Francisco?” I go, “No, this is good practice for when we’re a multinational.” This was when we had 50 people. It’s important because the world is global.
It must be fun to live in San Francisco. I saw you live on Billionaire Road. You live near Oracle’s Larry Ellison, Zynga’s Mark Pincus. It sounds like you’ve got some interesting neighbors of which it can’t be too bad to have. Your house is a former Russian consulate, is that correct?
That’s correct.
I’ve had Eric O’Neill on my show. He’s the guy that got the most horrible spy in the US history. They made the movie Breach out of him. He said the Russians are number one on the list again for who you’re going to watch out in terms of spies. You better maybe go do another sweep of your home. I was watching a panel you had, that Momentum in 2016 where you had Don Thompson, the former CEO of McDonald’s, Rick Smith, the chairman and CEO of Equifax, and James Berry, EVP and CFO of McKesson. I loved your interviewing tactic. We’ll just ask each other questions.
It’s funny because I thought it was going to be a twenty-minute panel. It was more like 40 minutes. I ran out questions. “You ask each other a question but it’s got to be a different question.” Why not?
I can’t remember which one who ended up who had to ask himself a question. Was it Rick Smith?
Yeah. Then they turned around and asked me a question. I go, “I’m the facilitator.” Maybe I invented Socratic panel moderation.
You have had such a fascinating background. I’m impressed with everything that you’re able to do. You say you have these seven-year lives of blocks. What’s your next block going to do? What will it be about?
I’m still very heavily involved in DocuSign. My big focus is having a smooth transition with Dan Springer who took over last year. I told him the way I look at being chairman of the board is one word and one word only, and it’s service to the CEO. I have the constituents, the shareholders, the customers, and the partners, all the stakeholders. If the transition is good then everything takes care of itself. In a business like this with such a huge market, you have to sprint the marathon.
The way I look at it, the only way to do that is a relay race. Relay races are won or lost on the baton pass. It’s been great. He’s a brother so I help wherever I can. Now I focus a lot on the country digital transformations, particularly in Japan and Germany. With Japan, it’s a national imperative over there and DocuSign is the catalyst for accelerating their digital transformations.
[Tweet “In a business like this with such a huge market, you have to sprint the marathon.”]In addition to doing that, you’ve had a lot of additional philanthropic endeavors. I’ve had quite a few billionaires on my show that get into philanthropy. You’re attracted to Children’s Autistic Network and helping them in different organizations. How do you pick your organizations?
I would say with my heart. One of my best friend’s daughter was autistic, so he built up this center. One of the great things that we did at DocuSign is I started the DocuSign Impact Foundation. The mission of that is to transform people’s lives by transforming noble causes. At the end of the day, we’re transformation people. The impact that we can have on organizations that impact people’s lives, like the Special Olympics. We had Tim Shriver, CEO of Special Olympics at our user conference last year, we enabled5 million special athletes with DocuSign. Before they can take part in any kind of event, and there’s an event going on once every six minutes around the world, they need a medical permission slip. If they don’t have it, they can’t compete. Sometimes the athletes lose it from time to time, and that can be traumatizing to them and their families. That’s just a great thing that we’re able to do, just put that right on their phone.
Those are amazing stories and I’ve had some Paralympic athletes. I’ve had a lot of interesting people on my show that have overcome some amazing things. I had Erik Weihenmayer on my show. He’s that first blind man to ever climb Mount Everest. I was thinking about him when I was looking at all the things that you did, climbing Mount Kilimanjaro and some of the stuff you did. What’s the hardest thing you’ve had to do in your life?
Rocky Mountain Climbing. After we did Kilimanjaro, I brought my son who was fourteen. We took his buddy and I brought one of my fraternity brothers who’s done Iron Mans and stuff like that. He goes, “This is the hardest thing I’ve done.” It was hard, but we made it to the top and then we said, “All right, let’s go challenge ourselves even more.”We went down to Peru and climb the three top peaks. We didn’t make it all the way to the top in the last one. That was hard. That was the toughest thing physically I’ve ever done.
I would say the hardest thing ever on a personal side is when my father passed of lung cancer. He’s the guy who was my number one mentor, my role model on leadership. He had a small five-person machine shop. I worked with him every summer, every weekend, and all that stuff. That was tough. I had to be strong for my mom and my two sisters. This was right before Ariba went public too. There was about a two-year delay in me in terms of just grief. To this day I’d give all the tea in China to have my dad just sitting right next to me.
It’s interesting you mentioned the impact your father had because I read Wozniak’s book. I met him at a function here in Phoenix. He starts out the book with how important his father was in explaining things to him to make him know why things work the way they did and certain things. Do you think that your father had an impact on your level of curiosity?
Yes. However, my mom had a way bigger impact on that. She’s almost 90 years old. No doubt she wore the pants in the family. She taught gym and health in a girls’ Catholic school right across the street and coached the boys’ ninth grade wrestling team. She was tough and very lovely. She had range. She taught me curiosity. We’d be on a vacation and stuff like that. My sisters and my dad want to relax. She goes, “All right, come on.” She calls me Keithie, “Come on, Keithie. Let’s go over to Cape Canaveral. Let’s go to this museum. Let’s go see this.”She really gave it to me. It’d be grade school or something like that, she goes, “All right Keithie, I’ll give you two choices, do you want to do your homework or do you want to take out the garbage?”“Ma, I want to do my homework.”
Later on, she said, “Keithie, you’re just lazy. You got to be the president of any organization you’re in because then you can delegate everything. You don’t have to work.” She’s a master delegator because bring all the little kids over and play at our house. My mom would just instantly say like, “Tom, you grind the breadcrumbs. Jimmy, go fold the sheets.”She just put them all the work. I’m really seeing it through my six-year-old twins. They love to do that. It’s a team thing. It’s a common mission. She just used reverse psychology on us left and right.
Where did you grow up? Where is your family from?
Rocky River, Ohio. It’s close to Cleveland. It’s only 30 minutes away. We had very humble backgrounds and all that, with this German descent. It was a great childhood. I remember my dad had a toaster behind him. When we eat dinner, we always eat dinner together. If we had steak or chicken or something like that, he would give me his, and he just pops some toast in the back and he ate toast. That’s a great childhood. My dad always said, “A parent’s dream is when the students surpasses the professor.”
As a parent you see that’s innately in you. You want your children to be more successful than you. My dad would also always say, “You save money for three reasons and three reasons only. Number one, so you can have a home. It’s important for your family. Number two, for your retirement so you don’t have to moochie your children. Then number three, for your children’s education. You mortgage the first two for the third every time.”That was the mentality.
I could tell you that your parents had a very strong influence on you. I can imagine that you do the same thing with your kids. It’s fascinating to see how our backgrounds impact what we ended up being later. Sometimes you can have really supportive backgrounds and still go in completely different directions. How do you continue to foster the things that you value in your employees? It’s so important for people to be curious, but it doesn’t seem to come naturally to everybody or it’s been squelched for whatever reason. What can you do to make sure that employees have a desire to learn and grow?
One thing is to create a safe environment. All four companies that I’ve built, we’ve all had a playbook with vision, mission, values, team rules, long-term goals, strategy, that all boil down on execution and team rules. We use the same five team rules. Team rule number two is, “No idea’s a bad idea.” Then we would put in parentheses the lessons of the CEOs, which is funny because it’s fun to mock at the CEO. That actually creates a safe environment. That is key. As a leader, do not be afraid to talk about your weaknesses, your failures, your flaws, because that helps create a safe environment. Besides the fact they probably no more or soon will be, so just knock yourself out with self-deprecating sense of humor. That’s a superpower in business.

Digital Transformation: As a leader, do not be afraid to talk about your weaknesses, your failures, your flaws, because that helps create a safe environment.
You’re really down to earth. A lot of CEOs don’t have that quality. How are you able to keep that throughout? You’re seriously successful. How do you keep that sense of groundedness?
For me it’s driven in by those old Midwestern values. In a nutshell, from a business standpoint, your ego is your enemy and humility is your friend. It was funny because early on in my career, it was the second guy I hired, when I was running the robotics joint venture, he’s down in LA or driving in his car. All of a sudden, he starts listening to all these preachers on the radio and all of a sudden he goes, “Did you hear that? Did you hear this preacher? He said eight.” I go, “What are you talking about, eight?” Being commodity oil patch he didn’t have a college education. He sounds like a preacher when he would speak. He goes, “I always had a fear of speaking in public. I didn’t have any training.” He goes, “I would go from church to church to listen to sermons because these guys are great speakers.” He goes, “What I learned is that never looked too good or talk to smart.”
For me, it comes naturally. Don’t try to put yourself up on a pedestal where you don’t belong. I also got that from my dad. My dad was a boxer in the army. I remember one night I came back from Purdue. We’re drinking beer late and he goes, “Do you ever feel like you get cornered in a ring? I go, “What do you mean?”“Where you are in a situation, you just can’t get out of it. You get that pit in your stomach,” and I go, “Yeah.” He goes, “You know, there’s one sure, bang waiting to get out of it every time.” I go, “Really? We want to know what it is?” I go, “Yeah.” He goes, “Knock yourself out.” I don’t think he knew the word self-deprecating sense of humor, but he goes, “Just knock yourself out, you know the best defense is a strong offense. Knock yourself out before other people do.”It works every time.
It’s points out the elephant in the room sometimes too. You were talking about the fear of speaking. A CEO has to do with a lot of that. You get up on stage and sometimes things don’t go as you’d hope. Sometimes it’s almost funny. I’ve had people on my show. I’ve watched some of their videos and they tell a joke that fell flat. He goes, “Thank you to those six of you that just clapped.” I mean some of it, it’s sometimes it’s funnier to point out.
If there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s not what you know, it’s what you think of in time that matters. If you don’t have a little anxiety before you go up and give a big speech or something like that, then you don’t have that adrenaline rush gets your brain clicking and so somebody goes like, “Hey, I’m nervous,” I go, “That’s good because you’re going to be that much better.”When our execs get up to speak, you know on advisory councils and stuff like that, I always put my arm around him I go, “Just don’t screw it up.”
The biggest fear a lot of leaders have is they think that their people are going to discover that they don’t know as much as people think they know. Do you think you know as much as people think you know?
Definitely not. I don’t even know why I hesitated on answering that question. I had a hard time reading when I was a little kid and stuff like that. In the back of my brain, it’s not even I assume, I just think I am the dumbest person in the room. I’ve learned it’s good to articulate and say, “I trust your judgment more than I trust mine.”All that stuff creates the magic of a safe environment where you bring out the best in people.
I imagine having an MBA from Harvard, you’re probably on top of the list of the smartest people in the room.
I’ve been around some pretty smart people. We have some pretty smart people at DocuSign. I learned that at Harvard because I came straight away from school. I’ll never forget the first day going around the room and everybody stands up, introduces himself. The gal to my right stands up and she goes, “Hello, my name is Mary Kearney. I was Vice President of Chase Manhattan Bank,” and then the guy on my left goes, “Hello, my name is Shell Sanders. I’m retired from the navy. I was commander of a nuclear submarine.” I stand up, I go, “Hi, my name is Keith Krach. I was a president of my fraternity,” Then sit down as fast as I could.
That has to be a great equalizing opportunity though. You all end up in the same spot in the same room and realize that no matter what your experiences, you all have new things to learn, right?
Yes. That’s one of the keys to life, the never-ending quest for knowledge and wisdom. The key to building a company is turning it into a learning machine. So much of what you do hasn’t been done before and it’s as definitely not written in a book. You have to go at hyper growth businesses like I’ve had the privilege of running. If you’re not making mistakes, you’re not moving fast enough. The key is to learn from them. The thing I hate is learning the same damn mistake over and over again, which happens from time to time, you know.
Have you thought of writing a book about you said you can’t find it in a book? Can you create that book?
That would be great. Where I’ve really gained, and I didn’t know what wisdom meant as a young kid, now it’s this 60 year old guy. I get wisdom and you know where I got it from this people and mentors and the way I look at it that I call it the High Red Mentor Matrix. It’s like what are the key leadership characteristics? Look at it as Excel spreadsheet. All the rows are the different leadership characteristics. The people who are your mentors or you can learn from you know, are at the top.
It’s like, “This guy, he role models integrity, this guy role models courtesy, this person, role models, kindness.” It’s like I put that together. Even if I just have a dinner with somebody, I can put them on my mentor Matrix so it has something to learn from everybody. I have chiefs of staff who are in their twenties and thirties. DocuSign CEO, I had three of them at once. That’s mentor role for me but also what I’ve learned is I’m a mentee to those guys. I probably learned more from them than they learn from me. Minimum it’s a 60-60 deal.
You’re bringing up an important thing about the generations in the workplace is so different now. I entered and when you entered, I’m sure you’ve got so many generations working together, it’s no longer the madman days. You’ve got to treat people differently. How challenging is it to have all those generations? Do you have a lot of issues with different generations conflicting?
It’s a gift because that’s where the diversity of thought comes from. We have a diversity of thought but maybe more similarities than the guy who’s 22 years old. The age difference brings a tremendous diversity of thought. The beautiful thing about it is they’re not limited by, “We tried that before.”These young folks are out of the box thinkers, so it’s great. It’s a gift. Here again, you have to create that safe environment for them, and you have to tell him, “I trust your judgment more than I trust mine on this issue.” Now you get the best of all worlds.
[Tweet “One of the keys to life is the never-ending quest for knowledge and wisdom.”]There’s so much we can learn from everybody. I’m sure you’ve done all these things with all these companies. Is there anything you’ve done that you would do over? Have you done anything that you regret or was this the passing of hope to take?
Of course. I used to use that as a recruiting tool. If I look at my experiences, running a joint venture in robotics and Rasna, we created category in mechanical engineering and Ariba, DocuSign, and Purdue. It’s like you learn something, you will, first of all, you learn as you go. If this works, let’s use it at the next company or the next organization. If it doesn’t, let’s not do that again. After a while you just keep building on that playbook. You have so many arrows in your quiver and you know, at DocuSign it’s like just took the playbook, much of it from Ariba and also leverage growth strategy and in terms of building a network. It’s almost like add water and stir, and you learn that after a while.
I remember I’m recruiting a PhD from Xerox. His name was Mark Brown. He was one of the best UI guys ever. This guy was paid big bucks. We were just a startup. That time we probably have fifteen people. He was a demi-god. I asked him, “What’s the greatest thing that you’ve done here at Xerox?” “I just presented a paper in Paris.” I go, “That is so cool. I love that. That is so great. If you had to do it all over again, would you do it?” He said, “It’s better.” I go, “What’s that?” He goes, “If I built a product that people just love they’ll give me bear hugs the whole time.”
I go, “That’s perfect because you will never write any papers at Ariba. We forbid it. We call that intellectual property. Besides, it’s a waste of time.” I said, “One thing I promise you is if you come with us, knowing your capabilities and we build this solution, you will get bear hugs more than you could ever imagine.” We made it a point at our user conferences. Every quarter, we’ll go out like 12 people, then 25, then 50, then 100. The next thing you know, we have 10,000 people. Always at the end of the day, I go, “You know that great user interface?” and I point to Mark Brown way back in the room. I’d say, “He did it. I want everybody here to go give him a hug.”
I think that you’ve done some amazing work. You’ve definitely shaken up some industries. Do you have a company or industry that you think is the next one to disrupt that people should be looking at?
It’s higher education for a number of reasons. One is it’s so expensive. That’s why I think Purdue University Global is just so amazing opportunity in many ways. I also think that paradigm has really shifted in terms of how students learn. It’s more a self-pace, it’s short bites. Nobody likes to go to 7:30 chemistry lab, so I think that’s one that is absolute ripe for disruption in terms of bringing in the best of both worlds together.
I’ve taught more than a thousand online business courses when I ran the MBA program at Forbes. I just saw so much that could be just so important out there how we reach students. A lot of them need a lot of soft skills that aren’t being incorporated in a lot of the courses. There’s just so much to be done. All your work really inspires me. I know we’ve run a little long here, I don’t want to keep you any longer. This has been just so fascinating. I could spend the next half hour just listening to the awards you’ve won. I am very impressed with your work.
You have to surround yourself with smart people. I’ve made a living out of that.
You have a lot of smart people around you, but you’re definitely very intelligent man. I just cannot imagine all that you’ve done. It’s just a great honor to have you on the show. Thank you. I was hoping you’d be able to share how people can find out more. Do you let people follow you through social networks? Do you just have What’s the best thing they could do to find out more?
In terms of mentoring, and then you know I have all the social channels. That’s probably a great way to do that.
Thank you, Keith. This was so much fun.
Thank you Dr. Diane. I appreciate the opportunity.
It was so nice of Keith to be on. It was such a fascinating show, he’s so much fun. I really look forward to all the guests I have on the show. If you’ve missed any past episodes, you can go to You go right to the show. If you go to the blog after you get there, you can actually see it all typed out so if you don’t want to listen to the entire show, you can read a part of the show. It’s listed in so many ways and doing so much more with the panel moderating and speaking and all the things that I do.
If you’re interested in hiring me for any of those things, you can contact me through my site and it’s just been a really busy year of all this stuff that’s going on, but it’s so much fun when I get people like Keith on the show because it just shows you how you can be really down to earth and still be so successful. I think that we’ve covered so many topics that are so important to leaders on this show and I hope if you’ve missed past episodes that you take some time to research some of them. I’ve really enjoyed this episode of Take The Lead and I hope you join us for the next one.
About Keith Krach
Keith Krach is Chairman of DocuSign, The Global Standard for Digital Transaction Management. The DocuSign Global Trust Network empowers more than 300,000 companies and 200 million users in 188 countries to transact anything, anytime, anywhere, on any device – securely. Krach co-founded Ariba, serving as chairman and CEO. Krach is widely recognized as the pioneer of B2B Commerce and today over $1 Trillion of commerce is transacted through the Ariba network annually. Krach started his career at GM as the youngest-ever vice president. Krach was recognized as an early pioneer in the Robotics industry. Krach then joined the founding team of Rasna Corporation, which was sold to Parametric Technologies. Krach is a celebrated lecturer and has spoken at Harvard, Stanford, Berkeley and IMD Business School in Switzerland on a variety of topics including business strategy, technology and how to build a high-performance team.
Important Links:
- Keith Krach
- DocuSign
- Ariba
- Selling Power
- Gerhard Gschwandtner
- Eric O’Neill
- Dan Springer
- DocuSign Impact Foundation
- Special Olympics
- Erik Weihenmayer
- Keith Krach’s social channels