The works of Maslow and Ericsson studied people and the stages of their development. Kevin Cashman, best-selling author of Leadership from the Inside Out, was more fascinated with how the transformation of a human can impact others and the world. He has worked with so many people that he has built a database of 7,000,000. With this data, he was able to validate patterns as well as identify new ones. Learn his answer to the question: Are Industries different in competencies, industry context and leadership?
We have a special show because we have Kevin Cashman. I’ve been looking forward to talking to Kevin because his work is so inspiring. His books and information has been used by over 150 university schools. He is the ultimate expert on leadership and he is going to share some information about his book that is in its third edition and almost completely revised. There’s a lot more information in it this time. I’m sure you’ve read probably one of the first two versions of Leadership from the Inside Out. It’s going to be fascinating to hear what he’s got going on now.
Listen to the podcast here
Leadership From The Inside Out: Growing A Person Into A Leader With Kevin Cashman
I am with Kevin Cashman who is a Senior Partner at Korn Ferry, specializing in CEO and executive development, and keynote speaking. He’s a pioneer of the Grow the Whole Person to Grow the Whole Leader approach to integrated leadership development. He’s written six books, including the classic Leadership from the Inside Out, and the number one bestselling business book of 2000 for the 800 CEO Read, and now used by over a 150 universities globally. His latest book, The Pause Principle: Step Back to Lead Forward, is also a bestseller and has received numerous Book of the Year awards. He is the Founder of the Executive-to-Leader Institute and the Chief Executive Institute, referred to as the Mayo Clinic of executive development by Fast Company. He also founded LeaderSource, recognized as one of the top three leadership programs globally. In 2006, LeaderSource joined Korn Ferry. It’s nice to have you, Kevin.
Diane, it’s a pleasure to be here.
Everybody’s dying to hear what you have to say, because you are the expert. I was fascinated watching some of the past talks that you’ve given. Your books are amazing. You’re on the third edition now of your classic?

Leadership From The Inside Out: Leadership from the Inside Out: Becoming a Leader for Life
Leadership from the Inside Out, we just published the third edition. The first edition was published twenty years ago, and then the second edition ten years after that, and now the third edition in another ten year increment. It takes me about ten years to learn something new.
You mentioned that your mentor was Warren Bennis. I’m curious how you got connected and how that led to him being your mentor.
He was a really important mentor. We have so many mentors in our lives, our family, and even historical figures that inspire us, and so on. Many people look at Warren and say he’s like the godfather of leadership development. That’s how I viewed him too. His early book, On Becoming a Leader, was a real classic, and another book called Leaders, and then his memoir still surprised us. It’s fantastic. I always knew his work. I had the good fortune from different conferences and MIT did a little research study and article, and he facilitated discussions. I got to know him and then he endorsed some of my books, and I had the good fortune to be able to be in touch with him. The amazing thing about Warren Bennis is not just his great mind, his great writing, his great research, and thought leadership. I would get around to him and go, “If I could be 10% like that guy with that presence and that type of character and temperament.”It’s one of those rare things where you learn a lot about the industry and thought leadership from someone, but probably learned even more around character and presence. He mentored a lot of people, even a lot more than me, but I was really fortunate to know him and know his work, and get counsel from him at different points.
He wrote so many books. One of them was in conjunction with Daniel Goleman who’s an emotional intelligence expert. I’m very fascinated in all the background that is psychology-based, and you have a degree in Psychology. Is that correct?
That’s correct. The degree is more of an expression of purpose. All my life from a pretty young age, I was endlessly fascinated with human development. That could be psychological development, spiritual development, psycho-spiritual development, like Jung and others would look at, the work of Maslow and Erikson who studied really healthy people and what are their stages of development. I’ve always been fascinated with how human transformation can impact others and impact the world. That’s been the thing I’ve been circulating around most of my life. Psychology was a good choice for me. I was also a philosophy minor and so on because it was another way to look at the human condition and try to understand it. That’s the theme and psychology, and later the business, and later writing are all an expression of that purpose around growing the whole person to grow the whole leader, to make a big impact on those around us.
I wrote my dissertation on emotional intelligence and so I’m interested in psychology-based business leadership issues. Everything you do is fascinating to me. Everything about Korn Ferry is pretty fascinating. I was looking at how you have engagement data on six million professionals. They’ve written 50 plus books. There’s quite a bit coming out from your group. Can you tell me just a little bit about Korn Ferry?
I’ve been fortunate to have a great journey with them. My company was called LeaderSource, and we worked in CEO development and executive development. Korn Ferry, probably twelve to fifteen years ago, decided that, “Here we are, we’re the biggest executive search firm in the world by probably 30%. They dominated the market share in executive search, but they could see the future was going to be around talent, not just talent acquisition. They developed a whole strategy. “Why don’t we start to expand from talent acquisition to being the firm globally that does all things talent? Just like McKinsey does all things strategy, we could potentially own the space for all things talent globally.” From that vision, then they started acquiring firms like Lominger in competencies, which happened to be a Minneapolis-based firm too like ours, and then acquired after that LeaderSource, and then later acquired PDI, which was also a Minneapolis-based company.
Our offices in Minneapolis have 300 people now, mostly consulting and advisory, but also four executive search people. We’ve become the quasi consulting center for the world because of these different groups happen to all joined in our Minneapolis space. Along the way, we acquired Hay and some other great consulting groups. Now we’re 7,000 associates around the world, and 140 offices, and work in this talent space not only from talent acquisition, talent development, talent engagement, talent compensation and all these different areas of talent, but also work from the top of the house that I’m focused on, all the way down to the top. I work with the top 100, but we have colleagues who work all the way down to the top 10,000, including infrastructure, assessments, competency models, and talent strategy. We’ve started to fulfill that vision of being all things talent and serving clients around the world. It’s been quite a journey over ten, eleven years, to see a vision start to come to life.
You definitely have access to amazing data and information. I could see why it would take you ten years come up with each edition because there’s so much out there.
There’s so much out in the marketplace we all have access to. There’s so much data and intellectual property we have internally. We’ve assessed seven million people around the world. We have all this thought leadership from all these different legacy groups. There would be unending learning even if we stopped doing all of the great work we love and just study all of this. We now fortunately have an institute called Korn Ferry Institute that does just that, studies, all of the research, all of the data, what’s the emerging trends, and what do we see from a research base. We just finished a big study funded by Rockefeller Foundation looking at deep interviews on 50 to 60 female CEOs. What was their journey? What did we learn from their journey? What did we see in their assessment? There’s all this fascinating information that is constantly around us and within our organization.
Some people might have seen, “This Cashman guy has some expertise in leadership.” When I joined Korn Ferry, my learning curve in leadership accelerated the fastest it ever did in my career. I learned more from joining a group like this than I had in my whole leadership career up to that point. We had these little laboratories for leadership development called Chief Executive Institute and Executive-to-Leader Institute, where people around the world come to us in five different locations, and three or four of us work with that one executive in a deep immersion over three days. We’d worked with thousands of people like that. That’s wonderful, you have tremendous learning. Now we have a database of seven million. The world opens up and you’re able to validate patterns that you saw before but also identify new patterns.
[Tweet “You learn a lot about the industry and thought leadership from someone, but probably learned even more around character and presence.”]You had to pick from all this stuff that you’re exposed to for these new chapters, these case studies, these new extra. You did everything all new in this last edition of your book?
Probably this last edition is about 70%different than the first edition. My publisher said, “It’s time for a new edition, but don’t change it more than 10%, otherwise it’s a new book.” The second edition was about 30%new, and the last edition was about 40%new. There’s just too much learning to consolidate. It probably should’ve been a new book. There are totally new chapters on Story Mastery and on Coaching Mastery that were not even in the last edition. Each chapter has been revamped with case studies and research. Even if people have read it before, if you pick it up again. It will feel very fresh. There were seven areas before, and now it’s eight. A chapter called Action Mastery got replaced by Coaching Mastery, and then Story Mastery is totally new.
You have Personal Mastery, Story Mastery, Purpose Mastery, Interpersonal Mastery, Change Mastery, Resilience Mastery, Being Mastery, and Coaching Mastery. What you think is the thing that you’d like to share that you found the most interesting, or the most helpful parts of coming up with this new book. What do you want to talk about that you want people to learn from this latest edition?
There are a few things that stand out for me that were most eye-opening. One was in personal mastery. Certainly, emotional intelligence and self-awareness, and those parts of personal mastery were key and were emphasized this time. We refreshed it with some of Goleman’s latest research and research on self-awareness we’ve done correlating the level of self-awareness with the stock performance of public companies. We documented that in this version. There are lots of new things. The thing that was most eye-opening in terms of new research that we shared in this Personal Mastery chapter is our group, Korn Ferry Institute, decided to research what are the competencies that might be similar or differentiated across five different industry segments? We wanted it to answer the question, “Are all of these industries very different in terms of the competencies that are needed in that industry context, or is there something common regardless of the business context that’s essential to leadership?” We had hypotheses but we didn’t know the research answer to that. As we went through this, we found that there was one competency across all five industries that is foundational to leadership, and that competency is courage.
What’s interesting about courage is courage is both a competency and a character trait. As I looked at that, it really made me rethink a definition of leadership that we’ve had in the book and in our practice for about twenty years. That definition is “Leadership is authentic influence that creates enduring value.” That definition has held up for a long time because authenticity is the journey to self-awareness, a voice, a clarity of values and character, and so on, and then influences how that authenticity starts to move and impact others. Value creation as well, “Is this something that’s producing a positive effect and a sustainable effect?” We know that leadership changes everything. It can change everything for better or for worse, but it will change everything. It becomes very important to the authenticity, the value system, the influence, and is this creating a sustainable value or not.
That’s held up for quite awhile. This courage theme and the research made me rethink that definition and actually changed it to “courageous authentic influence that creates enduring value.”The reason for it is even authenticity that most of us validate, we need courage to be authentic, courage to look at ourselves, courage to step up when it’s not popular and be authentic, and the courage to be authentic about what we have and what we don’t have as a leader. It’s foundational. In influence, courage is critical to creating enduring value creation where it may not be popular, but it’s important. It is a key breakthrough. That’s one that really reformulated some of the thinking. It’s illustrated a lot more than I talked about in the book.
The other one is around stories. I was going to write a book on probably the Story Principle which would’ve been a follow-up to Pause Principle which was my last book. I was working on that, and then the publisher came to me and said, “The twentieth anniversary third edition is coming up. You’ve got to start working on it.” I said, “I’m working on this story book and I just can’t imagine doing two books.”Then I decided to merge them and really worked on the story piece. The key thing about the Story Mastery chapter, which is really leading with inspiration, there’s tons of research that we won’t be able to get into. The key principle is that stories are the language of leadership. Stories are the thing that can move heads and hearts to go beyond and go for something really important. Stories and leadership are usually dealt with very superficially. It’s all about storytelling and crafting a story. There are tons of leadership books around that. That’s important, but it’s the end of the journey through story.
What Story Mastery does is it takes us on the developmental journey of stories. First is, know our story. What is our story? What are the highs and the lows, the learning and the values, the mentor, and belief systems that serve us now or don’t serve us? Belief systems are stories internalized. What is this story of ours? How does that story have to be rewritten because that’s the journey to authenticity? Authenticity comes from the root to author. How are we going to re-author our story in a way that honors who we are, but also evolves who we are and rewrites the story? It takes people through a whole lifeline, an examination to know our story and to build self-awareness. Then it challenges us. Knowing that story, are you going to reframe belief systems and so on that did serve us but no longer serve us? How are we going to be that story? Are we really living those values or not, the journey to authenticity? How are we going to express those stories in an inspiring way so that stories are both deeply authentic in the “I” but deeply relevant to others in the “we.” Ultimately, can we comprehend the plot of the story? All of our lives are like a novel when we get close enough to them, but there’s just one problem. What’s the damn plot? This chapter becomes a bridge then to Purpose Mastery. There are a lot of new stuff in the book, but those are the main things.
You were talking about the competencies and it brought to some work I’m doing with curiosity. Did you look at that at all? Do you see that as a competency or character trait or both? I’m curious to how that would tie in to innovation and some of the things. Did you happen to touch on any of that?
We’ve related to that. We’ve done a lot of work. Goleman has associations with our organization because he licensed most of his emotional intelligence work to Hay that we acquired. There’s the whole area of learning what we call learning agility. We did research on Center for Creative Leadership. Goleman did research. Yale did research on it. We all came to the same conclusion that learning agility is a greater predictor of potential than raw IQ. A key component of learning agility is curiosity. There are five dimensions that we find of learning agility or curiosity – mental agility, people agility, results agility, change agility, and then self-awareness. The people that are really curious on multiple dimensions, curious about ourselves and our own development, curious about others, curious about what’s next, those are the people that can navigate self, others, and innovation more effectively.

Leadership From The Inside Out: Not everybody will develop at the same pace, but most people can develop to the next level.
What I found challenging is to measure someone’s curiosity. How do you measure that?
The closest we come to it is the learning agility model across these five factors. Like a lot of competencies, you could say curiosity, but what are you curious about? Some people will be very curious about themselves. Self-awareness will maybe be enhanced, or other people are genuinely curious about others, and then maybe emotional intelligence is enhanced. Other people are very curious about the marketplace and what’s next and new possibilities. Then they may be more strategic and innovative. I find it interesting to see where does it play out? Where is it imbalanced? Maybe we’re very curious with what’s next, but we’re not very curious about what’s now in our interaction with someone. It’s a very complex area, but I like to ask, “Curiosity, but curiosity about what?”Learning agility might give us a sense of that. 360 feedback gives you a lot of sense of that too, and where are people applying themselves? They’re probably curious about something, but are they curious about enough in relation to their role to really make an impact?”In what we see, most people are not curious enough about what’s next, not curious enough about others and what motivates them, and not curious enough about what will elevate their leadership to the next level.
How do we get them more curious?
Development. Giving people the tools to self-examine. Giving people the tools to see how they’re showing up with others. Taking them through assessment, development, coaching, individual development, team development to be able to expand all the different domains of influence. To me it’s all the different ways to help people grow and develop. Build self-awareness, build emotional intelligence, build strategic envisioning and innovative capacity individually and collectively. To me it’s development. Not everybody will develop at the same pace, but most people can develop to the next level.
Do you find that most companies are offering that development?
It’s changed tremendously. That’s one of the things that we’ve seen. Huge firms over the last 20, 30 years being in this space. I remember years ago we would go to a CEO and talk about development. Maybe previous generation of CEOs would say, “That sounds really great for all my people, or maybe even problem cases, but not for me, not for me.” What’s been interesting over the last generation of leaders is more people have been exposed to assessment, to development, to coaching as they’ve come through their careers. They’ve seen the positive benefit of those things. As a result of that, it’s becoming more the norm.
The companies that have been making those investments, they not only have a better pipeline and they have more engaged people, and so on. People are very open and receptive. Now when we get called in to work with the CEO or work with their successors next generation, it’s amazing. It’s rare that somebody doesn’t want to work with us and doesn’t want the next level of this. To me that is one of the most positive things. There’s a lot of tough things in leadership today, but to me that’s one of the really positive thing that’s happening. People want development and want the next level, regardless of what level of achievement they’ve gotten to, so that’s a good sign.
I do some speaking and some of the things that I get a lot of requests for are the generational conflict, boomers, and millennials coexisting in peace, soft skills engagement, emotional intelligence, all those things. There’s so much research out there. If you’ve got Goleman with you, you know how much there is just there, right? How much of a change are we seeing? We still see engagement numbers so low. Why aren’t we seeing more improvement?
There’s one view that you look across the whole marketplace, and you look at it that way. We did some research that a colleague of mine, Elaine Dinos, did on and Janet Feldman and a couple of other colleagues. It was around looking in the consumer sector with studying the most purpose-driven and socially responsible. It was really focused on what are the companies that are really seen to be highly purpose-driven? We did a deep analysis of those companies, not just in terms of engagement which is critical, but also in terms of performance of that company over time. We found that the highly purpose-driven companies, compared to the moderately purpose-driven, not the low ones, had three times the revenue growth in those organizations. What’s interesting about that, especially when you take a look at millennials and so on, and what I love that’s happening with millennials is whether it’s explicit or it’s just their own desire, they are looking for companies that are making a positive difference. To me, that’s a real purpose drive and that’s a positive pressure.
[Tweet “There was one competency across all five industries that is foundational to leadership, and that competency is courage.”]With companies that are not highly engaged or purpose-driven, their performance has become their purpose. When performance becomes our purpose, it’s really hard to engage. It’s like, “What are we about other than the financial metrics?”It becomes a tough place to be. It satisfies a certain percentage of highly-driven people, but it doesn’t speak to everyone. Companies that reverse that and see that purpose could elevate our performance to a whole different sustainable level, and if our products and services are really serving, are really meeting that customer-centric need, then two things happen.
One is we have more internal engagement, and performance goes up because we’re really serving something important, versus self-serving the financial constituency only. The big challenge around engagement and leadership is asking companies and leaders, “Has performance become your purpose?” We’re all guilty of that to some degree, but at just how much, or, “Is purpose elevating your performance to an entirely new level?”To me the study of the purpose versus non-purpose-driven companies and leaders gives you a very different picture.
How do you measure if they’re purpose-driven, and what do you exactly mean by purpose-driven? That can be subjective to some extent, can’t it?
It could be. We looked at companies in an industry by reputation, social responsibility indexers, sustainability indexers, reputation, and so on. There are some tangible things that can look at that. Engagement studies can look at how does our company live our purpose, live our vision or not? You can measure it internally a bit, too. If you have enough internal engagement and external reputational things in social responsibility indexes, then you can come close to identifying a group. That’s what this study did to try to really study these more purpose-driven organizations.
The companies that are going to attract talent, attract the millennials and really engage them, that’s where the voting is starting to happen and the migration of talent to those places, or the migration of talent out. That’s a very positive pressure. I just hope it keeps up with millennials. There’s a lot of history of generations that are idealistic at the beginning of their career, and less so in the middle of mortgages, family, distraction and burn out. I hope it continues. I think it will because I see with our work with CEOs a lot more focused on purpose and not just only on strategy.
I’m thinking back to what you were saying about how courage came out as a top competency. How many competencies did you look at, and what were the five industries? I’m interested in that actually.
The competencies. We had a suite of originally 67 competencies that came out of our lobbying or group, and then we boiled them down as PDI came into our group, and then we decided we wanted to focus them. It’s a group of 38 competencies that are research-based competencies. There’s financial services, manufacturing, life sciences, and consumer.
Did you see any difference in competencies by generation, or did you look at it that way at all?
We didn’t look at it that way.
It is going to be interesting to see what is going to be different with each generation. Each generation seems to have issues with the next generation. I’ve already heard millennials complaining about Gen Z. I’m very fascinated to see research in different areas, and you do some amazing research. I was just watching your one video on YouTube, and just that video alone, every leader should watch this to get the basics of the different things that we need to be asking to become more innovative. I’m sure you probably get a lot of questions about how to be a more innovative organization. Do you have advice for them?
In another book called the Pause Principle, we took people through a journey around the counterintuitive principle that in order to break through, we have to pause back. In order to leap forward in all areas of development, we need to step back first. The book takes people through a journey of, how do you step back to grow yourself? Self-awareness, self-reflection, authenticity, character, those kinds of things. The second main section of the book is how do you step back and pause to grow others? Mentoring, coaching, listening, emotional intelligence, and so on. The third main section of the Pause Principle is how do you pause to innovate? Some of the things we’ve found there, as you know, there’s a huge topic. It’s not simple. It’s so multi-dimensional.
A few things leaked out in our research and other people’s research. One is it appears that the most innovative people, and this will certainly relate to the curiosity principle you brought up, lead with questions, not with answers. They may question at least the four to one ratio of having an answer. The other thing we found is that it appears that the most innovative people, even when they think they know, they still stay in questions to see if they can get surprised and get more points of reference that might change their point of view or give them more points of reference that need a new gestalt, and then they get an insight. That’s one thing which could be curiosity and questions as a tool of innovation.

Leadership From The Inside Out: Innovation is a collaborative sport.
The other thing that became clear is that innovation is a collaborative sport. We think of it heroically in our culture, but when you really go under the surface, even of the great inventors or the great innovators, it’s often a story of innovation. Maybe the best example of that is Steven Johnson’s work on How We Got To Now. He’s unique, that he’s an innovation historian, which is unique in itself. He studies the history of innovation. When you read the book or watch the PBS series, the book is even more substantial, and you treat like the history of light. If you ask anyone well who discovered the light bulb, we’ll all say Edison without even thinking. Then he tells the story of Edison that all of this technology goes back hundreds of years.
All the different filaments and different things have all been discovered by people and brought through. Glass had to be discovered. All these things had to be discovered which thousands of people, if not more, that are a part of this collaboration. Then Edison goes and buys the 40 patents that existed around the world on light bulbs, brings all of that history back to the first GE labs. In a totally collaborative environment, they discovered the light bulb and then he’s the great inventor. Well, it is a story of collaboration. Curiosity, questioning, collaboration, creating those kind of environments create the conditions for innovation.
You’ve talked about the importance of coaching, developing other people, and all the things that you write about. It all ties in to all that. Everything that you’ve written is so fascinating to me. I’m very much interested in this last edition of your book. I hope everybody takes some time to check it out. It’s Leadership from the Inside Out, the third edition. How can they find out more about your books and your work, Kevin? It’s been so great discussing all this.
I really appreciate the time too. The best place to go would be, and it’s a website that is connected to Korn Ferry. I have articles, videos, and information on books and ordering. It’s an easy place to go if you want a whole library of articles on thought leadership and so on. If you want to order the book, it gives you a direct link to different places like Amazon and CEO Read you can link directly to. would be a good resource.
We don’t have to wait another ten years for your next book, do we?
Sometimes it’s five. Pause Principle came in the middle of one ten-year period. Once I do a book, I frankly love to get away from writing for awhile. I love to write. It’s so absorbing and all of that. When I’m done, I need a break. I’m on break now, but something will re-inspire it somewhere along the line.
I enjoyed our conversation. Thank you so much, the great Kevin Cashman, for being on my show. I appreciate it.
Thanks so much, Diane. I appreciate it too.
I want to thank Kevin for being my guest. He is so fascinating. You can look on his site just to see what they do, and his information is just staggering how much knowledge they have. He has done so much in the area of leadership. He’s always been somebody I’ve been very interested in speaking with, and he was wonderful to be on the show. I get so many great guests and I know it’s hard sometimes to keep up with how many people are on this show.
What we’ve done is we’ve changed a few things to make it a little bit easier. We’re also on iHeart, iTunes, Roku, everywhere else. We’ve added our show to C-Suite Radio. We’ve done something with the shows that’s a little bit different. We’ve taken the show starting this year, that all over the shows are going to be transformed into blogs as well as having the audio form, which is really great because an hour of content is an amazing amount of information that if you don’t have time to listen, you can read bits and pieces. The way they’ve broken it out on the site is you can listen, you can read, you can tweet different little excerpts. It’s linked to everybody’s information. If something’s mentioned in the episode, you can go to that particular link. We’ve made it as easy as possible for you to have content and be able to refer back to it. I really have found this has been helpful.
I would love to hear from you to see what you think, because this is so unique. I don’t see a lot of shows that have this level of content. Thought I wanted to let you know a little bit more about that because we are getting great exposure to different areas and if you’re interested in becoming a sponsor for the show, there’s such reach now that we’ve never had as much as we do now. We’ve got with the C-Suite Network, it’s very focused on C-Suite executives. C-Suite Radio is something that’s getting international attention. It’s part of Jeffrey Hayzlett’s group, and I’ve been very honored to be part of that network as well. I wanted to get you up to date on some of the changes. I know I don’t usually spend much time talking about what the site is doing, what the shows up to, and I thought that would be important.
We’re also doing more video interviews. If you’re interested in getting a video interview, you can contact me about that. There are a lot of ways to contact me about different information on my site either to be a guest on the show or to look at testimonials. Any of that type of information. Please contact me if you have any questions. I wanted to bring up one more thing. We reached the episode that was our one year episode. We started the show last February 28, 2012. When I interviewed Dr. Gilda Carle on the 28th episode, she was the first one a year later. It’s amazing what a year brings. We’ve had hundreds of wonderful guests on this show, and I wanted to thank everybody and acknowledge that we reached that milestone of having such unbelievable guests for more than a year now. We’re looking forward to having another amazing year, as long as I can keep up this phase.
It’s been crazy and I love it, because everybody I introduce on the show and get to chat with is so fascinating, and I have enjoyed everybody who’s been my guest. I wanted to thank everyone for a great first year. Hope to see a lot more great stories coming out in the next year. If you’ve missed any of our past episodes, please go to There’s a lot of great information on my site. Other than that, you can find information on engagement, emotional intelligence, DISC, Myers-Briggs. There are all kinds of content on my site, since I do speaking and consulting in that area. Please feel free to contact me, and I hope that you all come back for the next episode of Take The Lead Radio.
About Kevin Cashman
Kevin Cashman is Senior Partner at Korn Ferry, specializing in CEO & Executive Development and Keynote Speaking. He is a pioneer of the “grow the whole person to grow the whole leader” approach to integrated leadership development. He has written six books including the classic, Leadership from the Inside Out, the #1 best-selling business book of 2000 for 800-CEO-READ and now used by over 100 universities globally. His latest book, The Pause Principle: Step Back to Lead Forward, is also a bestseller and has received numerous Book of the Year awards. He is the founder of the Executive to Leader Institute® and Chief Executive Institute®, referred to as the “Mayo Clinic” of executive development by Fast Company. He also founded LeaderSource, recognized as one of the top three leadership development programs globally.
Important Links:
- Kevin Cashman
- Leadership from the Inside Out
- Korn Ferry
- Grow the Whole Person to Grow the Whole Leader
- The Pause Principle: Step Back to Lead Forward
- Executive-to-Leader Institute
- Chief Executive Institute
- LeaderSource
- On Becoming a Leader
- Leaders
- memoir
- Daniel Goleman
- McKinsey
- Lominger
- Hay
- Korn Ferry Institute
- Pause Principle
- Center for Creative Leadership
- C-Suite Network
- Jeffrey Hayzlett’s
- How We Get To Now